Sundried Tomato Risotto: As some reading this may know, my first attempt at making risotto was not a success. Perhaps I did something wrong, or maybe we just didn't care for that particular type- but Shaun was the only one in the family that really liked it. But I stumbled onto this recipe and had a ton of arborio rice left over so I decided to give it another try...and I am so glad I did. This was so creamy and wonderful, I absolutely loved it. Matt on the other hand, was still not a fan, but hey, you can't win them all! Definitely worth trying!

Chicken Fried Steak & Buttermilk Biscuits: No link for this one, you'll have to buy the cookbook to try it out, but I assure you it's worth every penny! The boys loved this one and the biscuits weren't too bad either. They turned out a little bit dry, but I think that was me more than anything. This was also my first experience making gravy, and I wasn't sure I could get it right, but Matt said I did a good job!

Pasta w/ Tomato Blue Cheese Sauce: I was a little unsure about trying this one out. I had never had blue cheese before and I wasn't sure about the idea of eating moldy cheese- yuck. But the photo looked so good, I had to give it a shot anyway, and I'm glad I did. This was absolutely delicious. The flavors blended perfectly and the red pepper gave it just the right amount of spice. Unfortunately, this is another one Matt was not a huge fan of- he only likes spice in his chili, haha, but it's on my favorites list and will definitely be repeated on one of those Matt-less nights!

Bacon Wrapped Meatloaf: Yet another recipe you'll have to buy the cookbook for (or ask me really nicely and I may send it to you;)), but Matt says it's a keeper! I felt a little guilty making this one. I'm not one to repeat recipes much, but my grandpa's meatloaf is one of the few that I make fairly regularly, so when I decided to make this meatloaf, I felt a little bit like I was cheating on his recipe. But the boys LOVED it. Matt will not say which he prefers, but he definitely wants me to keep both versions handy!

These are all my reviews for tonight, but I have more where that came from, including the best chocolate cake you will ever eat! Stay tuned, and check out that blog for yourself. You won't regret it (unless you're dieting, and then you just might!)
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