I'm loving:

Halloween! I love all of the holidays so this comes as no surprise to those that know me! I think Shaun might actually *get* trick or treating this year as well, and I can't wait!
I'm loving:

Mocha Cappucino Hot Cocoa sprinkled with pumpkin pie spice and Pumpkin Muffins! You can find the recipe for the muffins here, you will thank me for this! Nothing better on a cold (for California) afternoon than curling up with a good book and a warm and tasty treat.
And for those not on Facebook I will once again point out that this is actually a photo of my sister in law's drink. Mine would be in a Tinkerbell mug with MUCH more whipped cream.
I'm loving:

My new Gap sweater that I found at a yard sale for $1. It still had the tags and everything. I hate cold weather, but I love cold weather clothes! (See, always a bright side!)
I'm loving:

My new hobby- painting/crafts! I'm still learning, but I'm enjoying it anyway! I have never been a crafty person and have envied those that were, so when Shaun started school and I was left wondering what to do with this new found free time, I decided I was going to force it out!
I'm loving:

Having my sister in law, Bethany, stay with me during this year long deployment. While it obviously cannot make up for Matt being gone, it has definitely made it much more bearable! It has been so long since I had female company, it was much needed! We have shared some wonderful moments already- her 'I want to suck your blood' face cracks me up every time- and I look forward to the rest of this time!
I'm loving:

My boys, always. Even with their silly ways (both of them!), they still know how to win me over every time and I could not imagine my life without either of them, or love them any more than I do. I was very blessed to have been chosen to be Matt's wife and Shaun's mommy!
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24