A huge thank you to Kelly Ann at A Postcard From Kelly Ann for honoring me with this award! This is my first blogger award, very cool! So here's how this works:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Answer 10 questions
3. Pass it along to 7 blogs you've recently discovered and enjoy
4. Leave your recipients a note, telling them about the award
The 10 Questions (and my answers, of course!)
1. Why did you create this blog?
I started this blog for several reasons: to try to get back into writing after about a 5 year case of writer's block, to share recipes, and to share stories with friends and family far away that deserved just a little more time than what a Facebook status would allow. When Shaun was diagnosed with autism, it became a great outlet for me to share his triumphs and to teach others a little more about something that is so common and yet still so misunderstood.
2. What kinds of blogs do you follow?
I have a little bit of a mix that I follow! Military, autism, recipes, crafting...anything that I can relate to and that catches my interest really. I love positive and uplifting blogs as well. I have found that many of my favorite blogs are written by ladies who have a strong relationship with God and that really comes through in their posts.
3. Favorite make-up brand?
I am definitely an Avon girl. In the past I would just go with whatever I found cheapest. But then I started selling Avon for a bit and fell in love, and the prices are great too! Unfortunately, with Shaun's therapies, etc I could not find the time I would have liked to devote to selling, but I still buy all my makeup there!
4. Favorite clothing brand?
I love Ann Taylor Loft and Gap...but my bank account does not! Haha. I cannot bring myself to spend that much on me, but I will buy things on sale from both places. Actually, their sizes do not agree with me either, I'm very petite and still have to shop in the juniors clothing, even the petite don't always fit! I have discovered that Target has great clothes as well. And looking through my closet- I have a ton of American Eagle, especially jeans! I will admit that most of my clothes are from yard sales! I have managed to find some great deals on clothes that look brand new (and some that are!)...why spend all that money anyway?
5. Indispensable makeup product?
I am in love with the Juice Gems lipgloss from Mark (avon).
6. Favorite color?
I LOVE red! Anyone who comes into my house can probably tell you that! There is only one room in my house that does not have at least a bit of red somewhere!
7. Favorite perfume?
I do not wear perfume often, but I LOVE Victoria's Secret Love Spell...and Pure Seduction, but Love Spell is definitely my favorite!
8. Favorite film?
There are so many that I love- Moulin Rouge, Rent, Fireproof (if you have not seen this one I highly recommend it, with your significant other too!), To Save A Life, Remember Me, Julie and Julia, Under The Tuscan Sun, A Walk to Remember, Bang Bang You're Dead...well, you get the idea!
9. What country would you like to visit and why?
I have never been outside the US so anywhere would be wonderful. My top choices would be Germany, since both my husband and I are German and I speak a little bit of the language, and Italy because well, it just sounds wonderful!!
10. Would you rather forget to put mascara on one eye or forget blush on one side of your face?
I don't use blush, and when I do it's very little, so the blush would be less noticeable...plus I love my mascara!!
And now to pass along this award, here are just a few of my favorite blogs (in no particular order):
1. Beth Ann at My Life More Abundant
2.Livkit at Simply Sunshine and Daisies
3. Kathryn at Singing Through The Rain
4. Vicky at The Johnsons
5. Kerri at Oh Mann!
6.Brittany at Mrs. Yellow Ribbon
7. Lyndsey at It's A Love Story Baby Just Say Yes
Thank you so much, Randi! I have posted here:
Thanks! :)
ReplyDeleteRandi!! Thank you so much! This is my very first blog award and I am so excited.