As those of you who know me personally and are visiting from Facebook probably know, I have been having a bad week. I have been incredibly sick...some type of cold deal that has me run down and achy, not fun when I have to take care of a rambunctious 3 year old all on my own! (One who has recently started trying to play in the knife drawer and turn on the stove! Yikes!) On top of that, on Sunday I discovered a screw and a nail in my tire! It was not flat, and after trying to change the tire with no luck (they need a machine to get it off), my neighbors assured me that no air was escaping and it would be okay until I could get to the tire place. Unfortunately, the tire place on base said they could not repair it, and they did not carry the size I needed, and could not get it in either. What you may not know about me is that I have severe anxiety, and driving is one of the worst. I have only recently begun driving on base (much less traffic, which is where my issue is) and the mere idea has been giving me anxiety since yesterday afternoon. (And I believe has been making my blahness much worse.) Hopefully I can find someone to help me out! But anyway, as you can see, it's not been a good week! But I think during these rough days that we all have, it is more important than ever to stop and remember the positive. And so what better way to do that this Wednesday than to link up with
Jamie for WILW!?

I am loving that every day is bringing me one day closer to being with my husband! I miss him more than words can explain.

I am loving my wonderful Valentine's Day gift from him!! I have always joked that one day I expect to get a little blue box, and he delivered. (Though really, I wasn't expecting that it would actually happen, I am thrilled it did!) He's making it difficult to top himself...the two big items I have always dreamed of were the Kitchenaid (which he got me for my last birthday!) and this! I'm pretty lucky!

I'm loving 'The Last Song' by Nicholas Sparks! I just finished reading this yesterday and it was great! Definitely a must read!

And finally I am loving that these rough days are only temporary, and things will always get better.
Gorgeous necklace! I hope your week gets better!