Saturday, March 19, 2011

Sunday Photos- On Saturday!

Once again, posting a bit early while I have time and will link up later. I'm happy to be joining in again with Scavenger Hunt Sunday. I had not had time for the last couple weeks, but I really enjoy trying to come up with new and fun interpretations of the weekly themes. The final photo in the scavenger hunt: imperfection, is also for Scripture and a Snapshot, another Sunday photo challenge that I really love! The links to both are at the bottom so be sure to check those out tomorrow for some great photos and verses! Now, onto the photos:

Camera Phone:

Probably not the most original interpretation but I liked how it turned out! Please disregard my horrible unpainted nails!!

Camera:Just me. Behind the Camera.

Shoes:I kept going back and forth on which shot I preferred of my husband's shoes, I think I'm leaning more towards the first but I thought I'd share both anyway!

My Shaun, enjoying a book in his rocking chair. (After I snapped this, I sat down with him and read the book to him. He sat patiently through the entire thing! Very rare for him, he's usually ready to be up and moving after one page!)

"How? you say. In Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God"- 2 Corinthians 5:21, The Message

As humans, we are flawed, imperfect. It is only through Christ that we are able to be forgiven our imperfections.

(A note for anyone reading this who does not know, The Message is a translation of the bible, paraphrased and written in modern language. While I do not recommend it for the only Bible you own, since it is NOT an exact translation, it is a great reference to help understand what the sometimes confusing words are really trying to say!)


  1. Love your photos! Your son is adorable! I love Scavenger Hunt Sunday photos!

    Hope you have a great weekend! :)
    Hopped over from FTLOB.

  2. "Put the wrong on Him." Love that. He put MY wrong on Him. Beautiful post. And oh, what a darling little boy."

    New follower from The Thrifty Military.

  3. Your little spiderman is sooo cute!

    Stopping by from the Say Hi Sunday Blog Hop

  4. Visiting from FTLOB! Love your adorable blog! Your son is so cute ;) I have worked with autisic kids before and as crazy as they are, they are the sweetest kids on the planet. I'm sure your Shaun is the same ;) Can't wait to hear more from you!

  5. I love your camera and shoe shots! Your imperfection is perfect too.

  6. Wonderful shots. I think the shoe ones are my favorite. :)

    Marla @

  7. Stopping by from the Sunday blog hop. Love the photos.

    I don't write much about our special needs children...but it's always nice to find others who get it.


  8. Love them! Especially 'imperfection'!

  9. I'm stopping by with the Sunday Hop. The photos are beautiful. My Aspie boys were always in a costume at that age, I miss it. Imperfection. I love that one. Thank you for your husband's service and your sacrifices.

  10. Great shoes shots! And I love your take on imperfection! :)

  11. Beautiful photos! I love Converse Chucks! I used to have a number of different pairs.

  12. "so we could be put right with God" I love that bit, so reassuring. Your Shaun is very cute!

  13. Great captures! I love the shoe shot and the chair shot. The chair shot is absolutely adorable!

  14. These are fun shots. Love your little spider man guy in the share. We have very similiar shots for Camera phone and shoes.... obviously I like those ones too... heee :D

  15. Oh I like your first shot of the shoes the best. I too was going to use imperfection at first for my scripture and a snapshot post but decided today to do 2 separate posts. He took all my guilt and shame unpon himself and today says that I'm not guilty - Praise His name.

  16. Fun to find your blog through the Scriptures and a Snapshot meme!
    Warm regards from EAGAN daily photo

  17. These are all great - really love your imperfection shot.

  18. Perfect imperfection!! Love it... all of them, really.

    Bless you for the way you SEE Him!

  19. I like your shoe shot :) I think I have the same ones... ;)

  20. I don't think you have horrible nails. I really liked your interpretation of camera phone. I can see your dilemma over choosing one of the shoe pictures, they are both great.
    It's been a while since a read The Message, not sure what ever happened to my copy. Really appreciated your imperfection shot and verse.

  21. LOve the photos. New follower from blog hop. Hope to see you at

  22. Perfectly beautiful interpretations of the prompts this week !!

  23. Stopped by from the hop and had to sign up to follow you...I love modern fairytales! You have a lovely blog here and a very sweet boy ;)
    I'm off to explore now. Very nice to 'meet you'
    Warm wishes
    Carol from

  24. Perfect shots! That first one is SO clever! The Chuck's are my favorite :)

  25. Cool! I wish I had a really good camera for photography. I've always loved it but never had the money for the proper camera.

    I am now following from the Relax & Surf Blog hop. I'd love it if you'd stop by and visit me.

  26. Great photos, love the camera one!

  27. I'm your newest follower from the Sunday Blog Hops! Come check out my blog at:

    Have a happy Sunday!

  28. Hi, I am new to blogging and hopping. I hopped in here from Norway and I look forward to following you. Like your photos :)

  29. Hi! Love your blog and your photos :) I'm a new follower, from Simple Sundays Blog Stroll. I look forward to seeing more of your blog!
    Hope you'll check out my blog too!


  30. Came over by way of FTLOB. New follower also. Love the look of your blog and the picture of spiderman is priceless.


  31. Beautiful image of the cross. I love the gold tones!


  32. Happy Sunday! I am a new follower from the weekend hop and I look forward to following your blog!...Hope u can come by for a visit!

  33. Um, your blog is pretty much the CUTEST THING EVER! I love SHS, your camera phone pic is very nice and those converse...I think I am in love with them :)

  34. great shot, especially love the first two!

  35. Here from the bloghop.
    I follow you on GFC. I'd love for you to follow me back
    Tiffypoot @ (

  36. What a sweet chair shot. Love the first shoe shot, as well!

  37. Loved all your shots!!
    My favorite would have to be camera.
    I love it when photographers do that!!
    Your nails are just lovely!!

  38. These are all so awesome. Love your Imperfection.....

  39. I love these! I happen to love your camera phone interpretation - very cool and different. Great shots! I also love your blog design - very colourful and fun!

    I'm hosting a new linkie at my site called Fabulous Friday and I'd love it if you would participate!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24