Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have a confession to make: I love vintage. Okay, that's not really a confession, it says it right here on my blog, but seriously, I do. My favorite of course is the 50s, but if you were to come into my house, most of the authentically vintage items I have are from the 60s and 70s. Oh well... Anyway, when I was invited to join in for a photo challenge with the theme 'vintage'. I had to join in!! I couldn't come up with anything fantastic, but here are a few shots of my collection of all things vintage- enjoy!

This is a shot of the top of my kitchen cabinets, which were actually just redone yesterday and where the bulk of my collection can be found. Vintage cookbooks (okay, a few of these may be from the 80s, but I needed to put them up...my cookbook shelf was overflowing!), my vintage pyrex collection and some great WWII postcards (not authentic, but I love them- this also incorporates my husband's love of history and the military and more importantly is a tribute to my Great Uncle Theodore, a WWII veteran and one of my biggest heroes).

This is my favorite piece of vintage pyrex I own. This print was made in the late 50s, early 60s. So pretty. There are many pieces I would love to own, but for now, this is certainly my favorite!

This was another lucky yard sale find, 50 cents. I'm not 100% sure that it is vintage, but it has an old feeling to it (if that make sense) and I found one with the same style, different print on Etsy saying it was from the 50s, so maybe. I love aprons and this is probably tied to be my favorite (with the autism one my sister in law made me for Christmas!)

Some old records! I love these and wish I could think of something creative to do with them, but for now they just sit in the closet!

This was my newest find. I had recently posted on Freecycle looking for some craft items including scraps of fabric...instead, I was given a HUGE tub stuffed full of fabric and other sewing supplies. I was pleasantly surprised when I found these patterns and laces, dated in the 60s and 70s. Awesome! (Groovy?)

This is just a preview of my collection, which I did not realize was actually so large! I also have some 70s decorating idea books (which let me tell you, are a little wild!), some antique soup bowls, some art prints fro the 1937 national committee of art appreciation, a gorgeous antique tiled table that used to sit on my great great grandparents porch-this is still at my mom's house in Indiana with the possibility of multiple moves I don't want it to get messed up, (both of those were from the previously mentioned uncle)...and a ton of other 'vintage inspired' items as well!

For more vintage shots, you can find the challenge here:



  1. i love vintage things too- especially jewelry, Fenton, and just random ceramics, etc. fun stuff.

  2. SWEET! I am new here! Would love for you to come visit and follow me too! Have a beautiful day! :) Shauna

  3. heart the dishes!! SA-weet pics * *

  4. Ahhh they're perfect! Love that record shot. Great capture sweet friend!

  5. Ahhhh...Pyrex makes me squeal a bit when I see it at estate sales, and I love old records! I found a child's record player for my daughter along with a box of vintage story/records for her to play. It's so fun! :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24