Thursday, June 23, 2011

Craft Time: Autism Mini Wreath!!!

I hope you aren't tired of these autism awareness crafts yet, because I have several more ideas running around in my head still! This one was a last minute idea I threw together over the weekend, but I love how it turned out. I'd gotten a bag of random craft stuff at a yard sale awhile back and in it were some of these circle embroidery frame things. I don't sew but I held onto them to do something different with later. Anyway, I decided this weekend that I wanted a new wreath for my door, and planned on redoing the one I had and wrapping it with the awesome puzzle piece ribbon I used on the basket I shared previously. Turns out, I didn't have enough, so instead, I used one of the embroidery frames and some of the puzzle pieces left over from frames, etc. So I made a mini wreath from that. I couldn't get the ribbon to look how I'd like, so instead, I attached a magnet, since our doors are magnetic. For a spur of the moment craft, I love it!



  1. Might I just say...this is beautiful. You have inspired me to make a version of this for my 8 year old son's door. He was diagnosed with Autism 4 years ago, and it just so happens he loves puzzles. Fitting because of the puzzle symbol and the fact that HE is a total puzzle himself <3. This is really bright and beautiful. I am going to pin it and will link back to you when I make mine! Thank you so much!!!

  2. I don't see on the page how you did it.... did you hot glue the pieces to the embroidery ring? And did you paint the puzzle pieces yourself?

    Great idea by the way!!!!

  3. I was just going to ask the same question. How did you make it?


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24