Monday, June 6, 2011

Mailbox Monday!

I've never participated with Mailbox Monday, but I always love reading them so I thought I'd join in this week! For those that have never heard of it, Mailbox Monday is where you share what came in your mailbox FREE for the week. So here's my share (I'm not entirely sure all of it came this week, and I may have missed some things too, but you get the idea!)

  • Family Circle Magazine
  • Woman's Day Magazine
  • Parents Magazine
  • Gold Bond Lotion sample & $1 off coupon
  • Coupon for FREE 12 pack coke product
  • Coupon for FREE Deli Lunch Meat Combo
  • Coupon for FREE Sandwich Combo Lunchable (also $1 off coupons for both)
  • Secret Sample
I love when I check the mail to find great (free) goodies waiting for me...It's like Christmas;) Hope you enjoyed! Check out Mailbox Monday for more!!

Frugal Friend


  1. Thanks so much for joining us at Mailbox Monday Randi! Have a great week and I look forward to getting to know you! I love your blog header - looks like a scrapbook (I'm a huge scrapbooker) :-)

  2. Happy MM! Stopping by from the linky on A Frugal Friend. I love all those coupons. Stop by and check out my goodies too. Take care!


  3. Welcome! I love the Mailbox Monday posts. Free coupons make me very happy!

  4. Love the free coupons...hoping to use mine at the store this evening
    This past week has been crazy for me and none of my mail got put into it's specific spot for the week. I had a time rounding it up!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24