My baby boy will be 4 years old in just a few short weeks, it does not seem possible!! Where does the time go!? We are in the process of planning a fantastic Thomas birthday bash for him later in August (so his daddy can be there) and of course shopping for gifts. In this first of several birthday themed posts coming in August (afterall, not only is it Shaun's birthday month, but mine also!!), I give you Shaun's wishlist:

Thomas and Friends Trackmaster: Zip, Zoom and Logging Adventure!
He's been wanting this one for a VERY long time. So needless to say, he will most definitely be getting it now! The only trouble is, this is a big set, and he's already out of track storage...hmmm...

Kevin Takealong! And Ferdinand Trackmaster...and well, pretty much every other takealong, trackmaster or wooden train that he does not already have!! He has all three types of tracks (plus the old Tomy tracks) and a good sized collection of all of the trains too!

Takealong Rock Quarry Run- This must be a new one, we've not seen it before!!

Lego Duplo Thomas and Friends At Morgan Mine. And every other Lego or Megablocks Thomas set he saw, HOWEVER, according to the reviews on the larger megablock sets, they do not stay together well, and with a child who gets easily frustrated when tracks fall apart, it does not seem like a good idea!!

This is a WISH list right? Shaun has been asking for Bachmann Thomas (And Lionel Thomas too!). For those that don't know, these are the fancy (and costly) model trains...not really meant for little guys like mine...I'm impressed he even knows about them, but he's constantly searching on Youtube (yes, he's internet savvy enough to open youtube and type in his trains names to search!! Brilliant I tell you!)
So, he's pretty predictable, don't you think? This is really just a fraction of his list, and every single thing on it is Thomas related! Oh my goodness, that's a lot of Thomas! Thankfully there are a lot of great toys out there (in all price ranges!) (Family or friends reading this that were planning on sending a gift, feel free to ask for more ideas!!) If your little one loves Thomas as much as my son, make sure to check back in a couple of days, I have a super special Thomas review coming up that I'm so excited about!! Stay tuned...
Those look so fun! I think I need to come over to play :-)