Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wednesday Love ♥

I haven't linked up for What I'm Loving Wednesday in ages, so I thought it was about time to fix that!! I have so much that I am loving today!!

First and foremost, as we approach the 2 year anniversary of Shaun's Autism diagnosis (October 20, 2009) I LOVE the amazing progress he has made in the past two years. He is an amazing little boy and I am so blessed that I was chosen to be his mommy. It has not been easy to get
him to where he is now, and we still have a long way to go but I am confident that he will go far!!

"As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus answered, “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him."- John 9:1-3

I am loving that all of the stores have their Christmas decor out. I know, I know- it's super early, but I just love Christmas! I get it from my mom. And Shaun gets it from me. I love the look of awe in his eyes when he sees the Christmas tree and lights. He loves Christmas more than I do (and in fact has a Christmas tree up in his playroom!!) It also means that the holidays are drawing nearer which means we will be seeing our families soon!!!

I am loving Parenthood. This is truly one of the best shows on TV right now. I look forward to watching it every week, with my box of tissues handy because I am always crying during this show!! Love it!!

I am loving that there is a Pretty Little Liars Marathon on today! Yay! It's my guilty
pleasure...except I have no guilt about it!!

I'm loving these fun Halloween ideas on Pinterest!!!

Source: None via Cortney on Pinterest

And most importantly, I am loving my family, always!


  1. Aww... your family is just precious. What a beautiful photo. I love Christmas too. :) And Parenthood is one show that I love to watch!

  2. Love the family photo! And I am glad your son is making such great progress! Autism can be such a difficult thing to deal with but seeing a child make progress is so rewarding (my little brother is autistic, he is 12 and has come much further than anyone thought he would at this age).

  3. Parenthood has become one of my favorite shows! I love it! And that last family picture is so cute!

  4. I've seen so many white pumpkins on Pinterest recently...I love how they look! And you have a beautiful family. Thanks for stopping by my blog...following you back :)

  5. Awe. Thanks for sharing. I haven't seen Parenthood, will have to check it out. Most of the pics aren't showing up anymore. :(


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24