Wednesday, February 15, 2012

(in) real life conference

Have you heard of (in)courage? This is one of my absolute favorite blogs, and a daily read, full of encouragement and inspiration. I LOVE it!

In April, they are hosting a wonderful conference, that sounds like it could be a wonderful experience for anyone able to attend. I know what you're thinking, that sounds expensive- tickets? travel expenses? so on...BUT that's what's so great about the (in) Real Life conference: the event only costs $10 (which includes t-shirt and card pack) AND there are meetups all over!! If there is not one in your area YOU can host! How wonderful is that? It's such a great way to meet up and connect with some amazing women local to you. If you'd like more information about attending or hosting, head over here for everything you will need to know! If anyone decides to go, I would love to hear how your experience goes!! At the very least, I definitely recommend you check out the'll be happy you did!!!


  1. Oh reading this made me so happy :)


  2. I love (in)'s one of my favorite websites! There's always that "something I needed to hear" message there. So glad you read it too.
    The RL conference sounds like so much fun.

    Randi...I finally got that package in the sorry for the delay!! Enjoy your prize.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24