Friday, April 6, 2012

A Chance For Chandler (Reece's Rainbow)

As you all know by now, while I do tend to focus on Autism around here, I have a soft spot for children with special needs of all kinds. When I was just a freshman in high school, I was blessed with the opportunity to be able to work with a little boy with Down Syndrome. He was three years old, and didn't speak, but he was the sweetest boy! Every morning, I would start my day by heading to the preschool class where I was greeted with a big hug each day. I quickly fell in love, and I could not imagine someone not loving this sweet child. So when I was contacted yesterday by Patricia over at It's A Beckwith Thing, asking me to help her spread the word about her fundraising efforts with Reece's Rainbow, to help a military family adopt a child with Down Syndrome, I knew I wanted to help out.

Did you know that in some countries, children with special needs are still being institutionalized because it is socially unacceptable? I did not, but it breaks my heart to think of these beautiful children, locked away because they happened to be born with an extra chromosome. Reece's Rainbow is a ministry that helps families in the US adopt these special children through grants, fundraising and support through the process. What a wonderful organization! Raising a child with special needs is not easy, and not something most of us really choose for ourselves, so when these families are going out of their way to give a child many would see as 'un-adoptable' a home, is inspiring, and I truly believe they deserve all the aid and support they can be given.

In an effort to raise money and awareness for this cause, Patricia is hosting a giveaway over on her blog. You don't have to donate to win, we all know that times are tough for everyone right now, but just spread the word. You may not personally be able to donate at the time, but perhaps you have friends that can, and perhaps this post/your own post will reach someone who is able to help in a bigger way and, like myself, never knew this type of organization was available. Yes, raising a child with special needs is hard, but it is also one of the greatest blessings I myself could ever have asked for, and I hope in sharing, we can help another family receive their very own blessing as well.

For more information on how you can help, and to enter the giveaway, head over here!


  1. Thank you SOOO much for posting this and getting the word out about RR & the blessings overseas waiting for mommies & daddies!!!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24