Friday, September 21, 2012

InstaFriday {9/21}

Is it Friday again, already!? Doesn't it seem like time has just been flying by lately!? Oh what a week this has been! To say it got off to a rough start...well, that would be an understatement!

See what I mean!? Yes, that is our car being towed away. Sunday afternoon, I decided to do a thorough cleaning of the car and pulled it into the garage to vacuum...a few minutes later, it completely died. It wouldn't start, even after the hubby tried to jump start it...nothing. So we had to have it towed away and taken to the shop. (And wouldn't you know this happened on a rainy poor husband had no option but to ride his motorcycle!) Thankfully, it was a quick and easy fix- we just had to replace the battery, but still expensive and unwanted. Could have been worse I guess!

Crockpot Round Steak. I've really been trying to make use of the crockpot more. It's much easier with Matt's unpredictable schedule, but being a vegetarian myself and the boys obviously eating meat, I've found it difficult to find meals we can all enjoy! Any must try crock pot recipes you'd care to share?

Shaun shares his mommy's undying love for cotton candy. Really, who doesn't love it? It's heavenly! (Seriously, I told my hubby I believed the clouds in heaven must be made of cotton absolutely wonderful would that be? I'll stop there before you all start thinking I've officially gone crazy!)

Trying out my crocheted scarf necklace with a brooch for some added detail. I think I like it!!

I believe on the day this was taken, the high was actually supposed to be 74 (and was actually 50ish at the time, loving this Fall like weather we're having)...but anyway, it's a wonderful song and a great reminder: Sunny with a high of 75 since you took my heavy heart and made it light. It's funny how you find you enjoy your life when you're happy to be alive.

Shauny and Mommy
I love this boy more than anything in this world.
(Even if he won't always cooperate for photos!)

I love coffee. But coffee does not love me. Not just coffee, but caffeine in general. I've been caffeine free on and off since my high school graduation (when I ended up in the ER the night before with anxiety attacks at the thought of singing at the ceremony...true story), but in the past even when I was primarily drinking caffeine free, I wasn't so strict about it...I'd splurge on a coffee here and there, or drink a regular Diet Coke if we were out to eat. But over the last few months, my anxiety level has been ridiculously high, even for me, so I've given it up caffeine at all! (And it has helped a lot, though my anxiety has still been pretty high.) But with the cooling temps, I've been wanting coffee more and more. Have you even tried to find decaf k-cups? It's not easy! So far I have found only three, and the other two did not sound appealing. While picking up a Salted Caramel Mocha at Starbucks, I decided to ask if they offered any, and found this was the only they had, so I decided to give it a try. I haven't had any yet, but I'm hoping it's delicious!

life rearranged

I hope you all have a wonderful first weekend of Fall!!

(p.s. Please feel free to follow me on Instagram: Follow @randikaye)


  1. I'm with you on the caffeine thing. I don't make it a regular habit, but cooler weather does bring coffee cravings. I'll have to check out decaf options, keep us updated on your thoughts about that Starbucks one you picked up!

  2. Your crockpot meal looks delish and what a pretty orange necklace on you...super cute! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog and for entering my giveaway! Good luck! :)

  3. I am still not sure how I came across your blog but I love reading it. Your anxiety mentions made me think about another post I read today about essential oils. I thought I would share with you

    Hope there is something useful there. Great pictures and love the scarf.

  4. Love, love, love the scarf/necklace! Crafting is something I love One day I'll attempt something, but for now I like looking! Love the blog!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24