These are actually from the last few weeks, since I didn't post last week! You will be happy to know that there is a lot of Shaun cuteness to share this time!!

This is what we call his 'Home Alone face'. He says this is his new favorite movie, and the best Christmas movie ever....I suppose that explains why we've watched it at LEAST once a day since we bought it a few weeks ago!! Seriously though, how cute is that face?

I may or may not have an issue with over packing (or an excess of Thirty-One...if there were such a thing!). This was for 4 days, home for Thanksgiving!

Mommy bought herself a new scarf and earmuffs set, but Shaun has taken them over. Let's be honest...he looks much cuter with them than I do anyway!!

I have a love/hate relationship with Legos... I love them because they make my little man happy, and is one way we really get to see him use his imagination with his creative creations...but cleaning them, that I'm not a fan of!! I'm sure mommies of other Lego fans can relate! In my caption for this photo on Instagram, I asked Santa for a Toydozer! Have you seen them yet? They're genius (and created my a mom, of course!)

At Wal-Mart a few days ago, Shaun spotted this Angry Birds Star Wars poster and had to have it! Star Wars is his newest obsession thanks to this new game! He now thinks he has the coolest room of any 5 year old in the world. Mommy thinks he might be right!

I finally got around to organizing all the toys in the playroom and bedroom...something I'd been avoiding to be entirely honest. In retrospect, I should have taken before and after was quite a difference. Before, all Shaun's tracks were downstairs and other random toys in storage tubs. The toy organizer was actually upstairs in his room, but he had brought all the bins was crazy. I went through and tossed some broken toys out, moved the more baby-ish toys to what will be the nursery, moved the tracks upstairs to his closet and the storage thing down. I also bought these rope tubs from Wal-Mart. At $3.50 each, it was a cheap solution and looks much better too! So far it has remained fairly organized, so let's hope it stays that way...until Christmas when he brings in loads of new toys anyway! Oh my!

Did any other Dayspring fans shop the super sale over the weekend? I had been debating this for a year now, and when I saw it was part of the sale, I couldn't resist!! It's really a cardholder, but Shaun had other plans, as you can if I can only figure out where to hang it!!

Yes, that is a huge stack of uncut, unexpired coupon inserts. And proof that my hubby has the best poolees in the history of the Marine Corps. One of them brought these for awesome is that? Of course, now I have the fun task of clipping all of these!! At least the savings will be worth it!!

Did I mention Star Wars was a new obsession? And here's your proof. He's just like his Daddy!!
After this was taken, we went to see Santa at the mall right by our house...for the first of what will be many, many time. The idea was that he could tell Santa that he wanted Star Wars toys for Christmas, as he'd been telling mommy in Toys R Us, but once we got there all he would tell Santa was that he wanted a lollipop...which of course Santa gave him!! Silly boy!
Fun! Love the toy organization, we need to clean out and reorganize before Christmas!
ReplyDeleteHome Alone!!!! Classic, what an awesome kid!
ReplyDeleteI've seen this cool thing all over Pinterest to help with the Lego mess. It's this sort of drawstring mat on which the kiddos play with Legos. Then all you have to do to clean up is pull up the mat, and they're clean and stored!