As you can imagine, this week has been a pretty big week for us!! It was last Friday morning, that I got that first very faint second line on an early pregnancy test! That was also the morning of the Ball...and those weren't the only big events of the week either!

My dress for the Marine Corps Ball. (Shabby Apple fans might recognize this as their Red Carpet dress!) My husband was actually taking part in the ceremony and was at the hotel all day, so no awesome before pictures...or during really! We did get professional photos taken, so I'll post those as soon as we get them! I know I can't wait to see them myself!!

The menu for the night. This meal was incredibly fancy...right down to the choreographed way the servers gave us each course! It was really interesting.

This was the soup. As odd as it looks, it really wasn't too bad. Though I'll admit, I couldn't eat a lot of it. Though, I will say that may not be the fault of the food. A lot of you probably know I don't drink, never have and don't plan on ever starting...what you might not know is that on a normal basis, the smell makes me ill. With my added super pregnancy nose, it was horrible and I felt sick most of the night because of it!

The only picture with the husband I got, and it's not a great one! But it really was a wonderful evening- sickness and all!!

On Tuesday, I had the wonderful oppurtunity to take part in the Activision Family Game Summit online...a conference all about family gaming and using video games to bring families together. It was really informative, and entertaining! As part of this Summit, the first bloggers to register to attend the event online were sent this wonderful goodie bag, valued at over $200!! Obviously, I was one of those lucky bloggers! Most everything is currently hidden in my bedroom and will make their appearance under the tree son will be absolutely THRILLED!!

Speaking of the boy being THRILLED- I've mentioned many, many times about my son's obsession with snow and how he has so desperately wanted it to snow at his house for the last few years...and this past weekend, he FINALLY got that wish! It didn't stick, and it didn't last long, but he was ecstatic for as long as it lasted. I don't even like snow, but that face made it all worth it!!

Of course we couldn't go to OUAC without buying something for Baby Finley...our first baby purchases!! (And I have to say, it was really tough finding cute gender neutral it time to find out yet!?)

This was actually taken during the snow as well...when Shaun decided to dress himself to play in the snow! Needless to say, mommy changed him first...but not before snapping a picture of how adorable he looked!!!
And finally, I also need to announce the winner of the Melissa & Doug giveaway! The winner was:
Lisa T.
She's been notified and responded! Thanks to all who entered, and don't forget to stop by and enter the Lilla Rose giveaway, and stick around for more coming soon!!
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