Showing his love of logos...literally! |
I've heard it said before that individuals with Autism are just like the rest of us...just more extreme. When it comes to hobbies or interests, this certainly makes sense to me.
For the first part of his life, Shaun was obsessed with Thomas. It's not an unusual interest, many kids adore Thomas. But for a kid with Autism, that obsession can go above and beyond (or surpass the average age in some cases). For my Shaun, he had to have every. single. train. He would play with nothing but Thomas, and if he saw something he didn't have, he would obsess over it until he eventually owned it. He went through a period where he would only wear Thomas clothes. If he wasn't playing his trains, he was watching the movies or reading the books. (To this day, most of his preferred books are Thomas!). He knew every single train's name, which ones he owned and all about the various toy companies that made Thomas trains. Eventually he learned about trains beyond the Island of Sodor...what the individual parts were called, etc. He lived and breathed trains and Thomas. He still loves Thomas and plays with his trains frequently, though he has allowed himself to enjoy some other interest now as well- like Angry Birds, Pac Man and Star Wars. All perfectly typical interests, right?
Sometimes the obsessions themselves can be a little...unique! Right now, one of Shaun's huge obsessions is production companies. Never in my life have I seen a child show such an interest in them...or even pay attention to them at all. It started with a fear of movies. Anytime a new movie would begin, he'd run and hide. Eventually, we realized that if he was told who created it, he would be fine (aside from Pixar which still freaks him out- and he'll get in moods where he will ONLY watch 20th Century Fox, or ONLY Universal and runs away for anything else). From there, the obsession grew. He started telling US who made each movie. We were never sure how he knew all of them...movies he'd seen time and time again made sense, he does have a great memory, but movies he'd seen only once, or not at all...that simply blew our minds...and still does to be honest! Nine times out of ten, if you ask him who made any given movie, he can tell you accurately (when he's in the mood, of course!). It's truly astounding.
Shaun brought this home from school this week. They are working on sounding out words on their own (something Shaun is not a fan of- if he knows that it's not spelled right, he'd prefer to have someone else do it correctly than try to figure it out himself). Regardless, I'm sure he's the only 5 year old at school trying to sound out these particular words! |
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So very talented...notice he included the searchlights too!? |
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He didn't draw the lamp, but the letters were all him. One of the first times we realized he was actually able to write more than he was letting on!! |
And if you thought that's where the obsession would end, you're wrong. Soon, he started wanting to watch videos on Youtube of various intros. Then he would see things that reminded him of different companies and have to have them...like a globe for Universal, a lamp for Pixar or a searchlight for 20th Century Fox.
These days, he spends his days watching those Youtube videos and creating those logos he loves in any way he can...through legos, with playdoh, drawings...he can also frequently be found humming the 20th Century Fox theme song. Much like his obsession with Thomas, he now lives and breathes these production company logos!
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Yesterday's Lego projects! Again, I'm astounded by his talent! |
An unusual obsession? Perhaps. But it's also one of those little things that makes Shaun 100% Shaun...there is no one else in this world that's quite like him, and I'm so proud to have been chosen to be his mommy. Life raising a child with Autism certainly has it's challenges at times, but it also keeps life interesting. I wouldn't trade this boy for anything in the world.
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THX logo...see the little robot there!? |
PBS P-Head. He loves drawing this guy too!! |
amazing the surprising children bring to you eh, my best friends son is autistic too. I remeber a few years ago he was just starting his obbession with hockey, which came out of no where because his parents werent hockey fans, and no one around him was either. next thing you know he just started talking about how great this one goalie was and we thought he was making it up but he swore up and down that this was the goalies that played for the leafs, we searched the name online, sure enough Corey was right. Amaazing how much time and effort corey put into watching hockey and researchin it all one his own, here I thought he was just staring at the TV, I didnt know he was listening and enjoying it just like I enjoy the things I like, really opened my mind
ReplyDeleteHello, My grandaughter has severe non verbal Autism and has been obsessed with the 20th Century Fox loge for several years, along with several other logos. She watches all of the different versions of it that are on U Tube many times a day and also writes it out. She also hums it and try to play it on her musical instruments. Very interesting how many Autistics seem to love this.
DeleteOmg I thought my son was the only one. He literally watches 20th century fox intro 100x a day, can write it forward AND backwards (perfectly might I add!) universal, Pixar, the pbs kids thing.... u name it dycin loves it !! He’s not very verbal but we’re getting there with school... he’s 4.5 and can count to 200, knows all the letters and can write them all, shapes, everything. But this 20th century fox thing........... he wants it written everywhere n hums it out... funny u added the search light thing because my son does the same thing lol... I’ll have to share a pic.... when u wrote this he was in my belly so I’m sure u don’t check this much anymore... would b nice to find other mommas of autistic children who currently are going thru this but nice to know I’m not the only one !!!!
ReplyDeleteHow funny! Shaun is almost 11 now and he is still all about his logos--- he's even taught his sister (now 4.5) to appreciate them as well--- though not obsessed like he was! He now creates little videos all about them. I'm not sure you'll see this reply as I was not able to respond to the email notification directly, but please feel free to find me on Facebook... love seeing other logo crazy kids ;)
DeleteHi, but late to the party. My son is 3.5 years old and has autism and has been obsessed with 20th century fox since he was 2 years. He can write it out perfectly, and can write a number of other things. He also can read lots of big words.
DeleteI’m really starting to wonder if he’s very gifted ❤️. Lovely to see other logo obsessed children.
my 5yr old son watches that 20th century fox into like 500 times a day on youtube. i thought he was the only one!! he's on the spectrum and non verbal also.
ReplyDeleteThis is my child exactly. He just watches logos over and over and over on youtube. Now he wants me to find a way for him to play with the logo. I don't know. I'm gonna try a VR block game.
ReplyDeleteTrying to reach out to you cause everything I've read in your story , described my 3 year old son to a T . I don't know what to do or where to start , My thoughts we're his obsession for this fox 20th century is out of hand and has him doing strange things and something has to be done until I read your story and other comments, I thought my child was the only one this kinda makes me feel a little at ease.. what should I do ? Is there anything that I can do ? Where do I begin?
ReplyDeleteThis is my son also. He is 10. He draws 20th century fox everywhere. I have to listen to it all day sometimes. It's also Pixar, Disney, and other logos. He watches the YouTube videos also. One day I was looking at a drawing that they all participated in at school and saw 20th century fox drawn. I swore it was my son but no it was his classmate. I really wish I knew why they are so fixated on it. My nonverbal son not only draws it. He made in with legos and play-do. This has been going on since he was about 5.
ReplyDeleteOh my God, I'm so glad I have found this....my 4 year old son watches the 20th century intro on youtube over and all day. He has always watched something he like over and over, before it was in the night garden or Teletubbies, which I think is more for younger children, but he seems more like a 18 month - 2 yr old, so he's definitely delayed development too aswell as on the autistic spectrum. But now he has discovered this on youtube, he is obsessed with this. He wants me and his Dad to draw the logo for him and he tries to copy, but struggles. He makes a tower out of his duplo bricks,bone has the number 2, which he puts at the top of the tower, and points at it. He gets so excited he stim with his hands.His obsession with this is crazy, he absolutely loves it!! So glad to read other children on the autism spectrum are obsessed with this, very interesting...
ReplyDeleteMy 8 year old son is the same way. He watches production company logo clips constantly on you tube. It must be a thing since someone made these videos. I’m happy he’s not the only one out there.
ReplyDeleteMy 3yr old grandson is autistic as well and is obsessed with 20th century fox as well lol yes it is a little comforting to know there are many other autistic children out there obsessed with this I wouldn't change him for the world he is amazing and brings so much joy to my life and is constantly making me laugh but yes he watches the YouTube videos of 20th century fox over and over again humming it constantly he loves it and I have found it quite comical so to everyone out there lucky enough to have someone out there in their life as special as these rare gems enjoy!
ReplyDeleteGlad others are embracing this. I’m overwhelmed with my 5.5 yr old sons obsession with the logos on you tube. I read everyone’s comments and began to cry. He’s into all the intros to movies that many stated. His main obsession is pbs kids logo. He writes it everywhere. And hums it all day everyday. He’s very repetitive with the thinking of the logos anthem. I honestly use to try to stop him but after age 2 now he’s almost 6. I just observe, my fear is how will he be in first grade doing this and learning. It’s very stressful thinking of August 2021. Knowing he’ll do this in school. Parents you all are terrific, I’m still trying to understand this. I’d love to converse with more parents who have optimism about this journey. I’m not there yet.
ReplyDeleteYup! My 13 years old son 20th century fox logo on YouTube all day every day!
ReplyDeleteMy son (5) watches 20th century fox constantly. Check out roblox it's a kids game that has custom levels to explore (including the 20th century fox)
ReplyDeleteMy son was obsessed with the Roblox 20th century games for about 1 year . He started playing guess the logo games he found. He is six now and still likes logos but not as obsessed with production companies anymore
DeleteYes My son too . He watches production company logo clips on you tube especially 20th century fox. Nice to know everyone here.Hope these beautiful kids could meet one day...or connect with each other...
ReplyDeleteMy son also lives and breathes logos. I just happened to type into google child’s obsession with 20th century Fox and surprised to find there are a lot of children just like him.
ReplyDeleteMy son...autistic...beautifull...smart...funny... Kind...generous... And also....obsessed with the 20th century logo... He sings It, he has built It with legos, (allways including the searchlights and the palm trees), he draws It, he watches It constantly on YouTube, and we've even done his birthday with that theme.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why our chilldren LOVE this so much? It would eeally help me understan him.
My son is 8 and has been completely obsessed with movie production companies for a long time. Fox mostly but also Columbia, Pixar, Sony and I’m sure more. He draws the pictures perfectly he watches YouTube videos of intros repeatedly. I wish i understood why this particular subject has become his obsession. For awhile he stopped drawing it and watching the things but it has started again. He also will build the searchlights and all of the productions on Minecraft.
ReplyDeleteOmg my son also builds the logo on minecraft how cool 🥲
DeleteMy son is 8 and is also obsessed with the 20th century fox logo when I thought he was the only one he! He makes it out of play doh, legos, and is very creative :) P. S they have the logo toys online for 10$ plus shipping just thought y'all would like to know :)I'm going to order one fof him! Wish I could share the link.
ReplyDeleteMy little one too loves 20th century fox obsessed too so nice to read the comments.
ReplyDeleteWe are in the same boat as all of you. My 3.5 year old autistic son also has an obsession with logos and signs. He watches the YouTube different versions of the logos being played over and over again. I'm not sure if deleting YouTube all together will help. I don't like the repetitiveness it's a little too much. However he wants us to write the logos for him everywhere.
ReplyDeleteI looked up 20th century Fox obsession and this came up. My autistic son has been obsessed with logos and particularly 20th century Fox since he was two, he is 7 in a few days. He will rework the logo over and over for hours, animating it, talking about rendering, submesh, by lines, blender, prisma 3D, s 2013 etc etc for hours. It's Logos and font (he knows almost all font and the creators of the font. Interesting to see there are others with the same fixation.