Thursday, February 28, 2013

InstaLately (2/28)

InstaLately (2/28)
Did you know Shaun was having a baby too? A baby cow that is...his name is Frederick, and he's the size of a grape...see? And because our ultrasound tech is wonderful (and maybe also because Shaun laid on top of me and demanded to see his cow first), here is a little picture of Frederick the Co…

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Baby on A Budget {Baby FREEBIES? Too Good To Be True?}

Baby on A Budget {Baby FREEBIES? Too Good To Be True?}
In today's edition of 'Baby on a Budget', I am sharing with you an awesome deal I found a few months back and have been sharing with all my expecting mommy friends since!! I'm sure many of you have seen the following offers floating around the web. I know many of you have seen them…

Monday, February 25, 2013

Hello Second Trimester! {14 Weeks & Nursery Progress}

Hello Second Trimester! {14 Weeks & Nursery Progress}
Yes, that's right, we've entered the second trimester!! I wish I could say that this meant all those annoying pregnancy symptoms are subsiding- you know, the nausea!! Unfortunately, it's still hanging on for now! Hopefully, it won't last much longer, though I know it could still be…

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Saw It. Pinned It. Did It. {Over The Top German Chocolate Brownies}

Saw It. Pinned It. Did It. {Over The Top German Chocolate Brownies}
I love Pinterest...seriously! Especially when it comes to finding new recipes! Most weeks, I have at LEAST one Pinterest find on my many great recipes to try! Of course, not every recipe (or craft idea) online is actually as wonderful as it looks, so I personally love reading the opinion…

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

InstaLately {2/20}

InstaLately {2/20}
I've mentioned in the past that I'm a big old school Disney Channel fan. (Okay, a big Disney Channel fan in general, but I especially love the stuff that was on when I was younger!) My favorite of all of those old shows: So Weird. So, you can imagine how proud I was when my five year old ra…

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

New Due Date. Ultrasound. & Silly Big Brother {13 Weeks}

New Due Date. Ultrasound. & Silly Big Brother {13 Weeks}
Mommy With the new updated due date, August 24 (the day after my birthday!), we are now 13 week, 3 days today!! Which means we're nearing the end of the first trimester!! Mommy is hoping that means the nausea will end soon...but for now it's still hanging on. I'm still extremely tired al…

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Why I Love My Husband

Why I Love My Husband
Happy Valentines Day! I wish you all a great day with those you love- be it your significant other, best friends, children or whoever! Anyone have any big plans for the day? Some years we go all out on this day- like the year my hubby surprised me with a little blue box...all the way from Afghanista…

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Baby on a Budget {The Nursery}

Baby on a Budget {The Nursery}
Before making the decision to try for baby #2, one of the big questions we asked ourselves was, "Can we afford it!?". As a single income family, we are naturally on a budget. Would we be able to add another child into that budget and still live comfortably? It's such a big question fo…

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

{12 Weeks}

{12 Weeks}
Mommy: Mommy is slowly getting to feeling better after being under the weather for the last week or so. Still feeling nauseous at times, particularly after eating. Having a bit of back pain these days too...isn't pregnancy wonderful!? Bought my first pair of maternity jeans today...they're sti…

That Fresh Baby Smell {A Sponsored Post for Purex Crystals for Baby!}

That Fresh Baby Smell {A Sponsored Post for Purex Crystals for Baby!}
I have a confession to make... I am addicted to things that smell good. Okay, perhaps that's not really a confession. I've shared my love of Scentsy and Bath & Body Works here on my blog...and most who have been to my house have seen my extensive collection of various types of room spr…

Monday, February 11, 2013

Miscellany Monday

Miscellany Monday
Is it really Monday already!? Where did the weekend go? Seriously...I suppose that's what happens when you spend a full day of it in bed though, right? But I'll get to that time for the good news of the weekend: Hubby bought me a new computer! As I've mentioned in my last cou…

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

InstaLately {2/6}

InstaLately {2/6}
Another week of instalately via the iPhone! Unfortunately my new power cord came... but my computer still isn't working! Not good! So now we are on the search for a cheap, basic replacement! Oh how I hate spending money! In the meantime, iPhone blogging it is- so again, please bare with me!! 1…

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

{Weeks 10-11}

{Weeks 10-11}
I got a little behind on my pregnancy update posts and didn't get around to posting last weeks. Actually I never even took a picture last week. This crazy weather has had me feeling horrible and I just didn't feel like having a picture taken at the time. There wasn't much change anyway!…