Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Quick Update {23 Weeks}

23 Weeks

Well, if I wasn't feeling super pregnant before, I certainly am girl seems to be growing very quickly these overnight! This is making for a very uncomfortable mommy...particularly while driving!! Aside from that, there really hasn't been much change from last week's update (possibly because my 22 week post was posted a bit late anyway!)

I do think I have a nursery theme figured out...I'm 90% sure, but that other 10% is still not ready to commit to it just yet so I won't say which one I'm leaning towards just yet!

We have our hospital tour on Wednesday! Perhaps a bit early, but I like to be prepared and that will give us plenty of time to come up with a plan for Shaun for the big day!!


  1. what a cute bump! you must be so excited for baby #2. :) keep posting the bumpdates! (love your blog!)

  2. nice your site thanks for sharing love you all team good work keep it up .

  3. nice your site thanks for sharing love you all team good work keep it up .


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24