Have I mentioned Shaun is a Thomas fan!? Of course I have! Here he is showing off a very small portion of his extensive Thomas train collection. He's pretty proud of it!! Right now he has Trackmaster, Tomy, Wooden Railway and Takealong trains...but he's hoping to add some Bachmann trains to his collection very soon!! Mommy and Daddy have been telling him for a few years now that he must wait until he's older, but he's convinced he's old enough! I don't think he realizes they are not meant to be played with so much as he's used to!! But we've told him we'd give it some thought for his 6th Birthday in August!

What an amazing little artist my little man is!! I am super impressed with his wonderful drawing of Splatter!!

We went to our local mall over the weekend and were shocked to see a CUPCAKE TRUCK!! Seriously? Cupcakes sold from a truck? How awesome is that? I love cupcakes, so of course we had to check it out!! It was delicious!!

We're a blanket loving family so anytime a new baby blanket comes in, the husband has to try it out...no matter how pink and girly!! I did warn him that if he covered up with that pink chevron blankie, I WOULD take his picture, and it WOULD be posted...so he covered his face! Silly husbands! Regardless, this adorable blanket got his seal of approval for Finley!

And speaking of my silly family- I asked Shaun to go to the dryer and get a pair of clean underwear...and discover him like this...naked inside my dryer!! Oh dear! At least he was freshly wiped, right!?

According to Shaun, his code name is Thomas (Mommy's is Lady, Daddy's is Diesel 10 and Finley's is Percy). I could not help but laugh when I opened his backpack to discover he'd been using it on his schoolwork too!! Oh my silly boy!!! At least everything else was right! Never a dull moment in this house!
Broke out my Pioneer Woman cookbook earlier this week for the boys. Surprisingly, there are still a few recipes left in there I hadn't tried yet...like this one! And thankfully, the boys were fans!
Please don't mind my super fancy Chinet dinnerware...I'm still dealing with contractions and back pain, so we're taking whatever steps we can to eliminate/lessen some of my workload...so paper plates have been our friends lately!! I suppose it's better than going naked to avoid more laundry, right?

And still more review/giveaway products arriving at my doorstep!! Two more left for April...then several planned for next month as well (including some non-baby related ones for those of you without a little one!!) Needless to say, I'm keeping VERY busy lately!!
Hey, I think you are doing good to be baking in the first place being pregnant. Koodos to you!! Looks delish!