Monday, April 29, 2013

Our Super Why Live Experience

This weekend, our family was given the opportunity to attend the Super Why Live You've Got the Power tour locally. If you haven't heard of this show, here's a little introduction:

Super WHY Live will stop in 27 cities across the U.S. in April and May, taking kids and parents on a live reading adventure traveling inside a book to find the answer to the question, "Who has the Greatest Super Power in the World?" The show is uplifting, entertaining, and educational. It features kids' favorite literacy-powered super heroes: Alpha Pig with "Alphabet Power," Wonder Red with "Word Power," Princess Presto with "Spelling Power," Super Why with the "Power to Read," and their puppy pal Woofster. 

My little man loves Super Why, so we were excited to have the chance to see the show. It was exactly as we expected: fun, energetic, interactive and the perfect little show for preschoolers (our son, almost 6 actually seemed to be one of the oldest in the audience at our particular show!). All the kiddos in the audience seemed to be absolutely loving it...yes, it was a bit cheesy for us adults, but isn't that to be expected with a kids show? As long as the kids enjoy it, that's all that matters. And as I said, for most it was a hit.

Little Man Before the Show

Unfortunately for our son, that wasn't the case. I will preface this by saying our experience dos NOT reflect on the entertainment or quality of the show...I honestly thought what we saw of it was really cute and fun. Having a child with Autism and sensory issues, we knew going in that it might present some issues...still, he was excited to go so we gave it a try anyway. We arrived early to let him warm up to everything...we've had experience with theaters, etc where it took him a LONG time before he would even go in, so we were prepared for that. Much to my surprise, when he saw the Super Why Live logo, he couldn't wait to go in and for the show to start! There was a bit of a delay at our location, so he started to get a bit antsy waiting, but still very excited for the show...until it started! He did better than he had with previous theater/show experiences where he freaked out, crying, etc...but he was still very apprehensive. He held onto my hand for dear life and sat very somberly, watching the show but clearly a bit scared/overwhelmed. Still, he did okay for the first half...once they let out for a break however, it was over for him...he started crying and insisted we go home and that he was done. The whole experience was just too much for him to handle.

Mommy and Shaun waiting on the show to begin

So, like I said, we didn't see the WHOLE show (though I'm pretty sure I know the outcome anyhow), and our experience was not necessarily a positive one, but should not discourage anyone who might be considering taking their little ones from making the I said, EVERY other kid in the audience was having a BLAST! If your little one loves Super Why, and doesn't have sensory issues, it would definitely be a fun experience for them! If you do have child with sensory issues like our son, go at your own risk!

To see if the Super Why Live Tour is coming to your area, and to purchase here!

Disclosure: Our family received complimentary tickets to this event in exchange for this post. All experiences and opinions are 100% our own. Your personal experiences may vary.


  1. My kids enjoy super why as well. I didnt even know they had a live show.


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