Sunday, May 5, 2013

{24 Weeks}

24 Weeks.

I just snapped a quick mirror shot this week- it's been a long, rough one! Everything with baby is fine, but we started the week with my preschooler being suspended from school (I didn't know they suspended preschoolers, but that's another story) and ended with a death in my I just haven't felt quite up to dragging out the good camera for this week's photo!!

Anyway, baby Finley seems to be growing quickly these days...and with it mommy's back pains are growing too!! Ouch!! Thankfully, I should be getting a maternity cradle support so hopefully this helps out a lot...I can't wait for some relief!! My feet have been killing me as well, but I've never had good feet anyway so I cannot entirely blame the pregnancy! This week also brought a new craving- Rally's ice cream cones...oh my goodness, so delicious!! The little man is enjoying this craving too!! I've also been loading up on the water more too- only I must first put it in the freezer until is just slightly freezes/creates a that odd? Hmm...

I've gotten a little more shopping done this week as well. My mother in law came up to visit for Grandparent's Day at Shaun's school, and stayed the weekend so we did some thrift/yard sale shopping. A few more outfits, some prefold cloth diapers, blankets, favorite finds were a free bouncer and an Aden + Anais swaddling blanket. The bouncer is super cute-pink and very girly- and had some minor staining when I got it- but a little Tide stain spray and a good wash and it looked just like new! It just needed a little love!! The blanket was a very lucky find- it had been mislabeled as a table cloth at the thrift store...I happened to glance over and recognize the print, picked it up and sure enough discovered it was in fact an Aden + Anais!! And only $1!! Score!! On top of our thrift store finds, I have also gotten extremely lucky and won a few giveaways lately...including the grand prize of the Gearing Up For Baby hop AND a super cute bassinet!! How great is that!? We are slowly but surely getting all our baby needs checked off the list!!

We also had our hospital tour this week...early I know, but with my anxiety issues, I like to be prepared ahead of time. Shaun went with me and was devastated when we had to leave without baby...I ended up having to carry him (against doctor's orders) out of the hospital to the car, where I finally calmed him down and convinced him baby sister needed to grow some more!! During his Nana's visit, she got him a doll (which he named Finley plush) so that he could practice being gentle with baby. He is enjoying taking care of his baby and mommy thinks he's going to be a great big brother!! (But we're still working on that gentle/quiet/calm concept!!!)

Playing peek-a-boo. Sitting her in the bouncer (yes, that's that free one).
What a great big brother to be!!


  1. OOH you won the gearing up for baby hop?? Nice! Congrats :) I won That Bald Chick's Baby Shower Giveaway and was soooo excited :)

  2. Good luck to you in the coming weeks! We are expecting our fourth (and first girl) this week! I didn't know preschoolers could get suspended either! That's crazy! :)


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24