Sunday, May 19, 2013

26 Weeks.

How far along?
 26 Weeks

Baby's size: Head of Lettuce (1.5-2.5 pounds)

Maternity clothes: Still a bit of a mix...really loving my maxi dresses right now as it's starting to get hot out!!

Best moment this week: Getting more work done on the nursery. Attending a cloth diapering class. Getting our newborn cloth diapers ordered...we'll still need to get a lot of one size (which makes up the bulk of our registry), but we're at least covered for a bit!! More great weekend yard sale finds.

40 pieces of clothing, 1 robe and Kiddopotomas swaddle blanket- just $10!!
Yay for yard sales!!!

Miss anything?  Basically the same as last week, just being able to get anything done without being sore and exhausted!!

Movement: Still lots...I think she's practicing to be a gymnast in there!

Food cravings: Nothing new really...fried pickles, Rally's ice cream cones, slightly frozen/slushy water.

Food aversions: Same- Drinks- I still cannot drink anything but water or Starbucks (decaf) frappucinos. I've managed to drink orange juice a couple times, in small amounts, but that's it. No real food aversions though. 

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Been having a bit more contractions over the last few days, not sure if its the heat or if I just need to rest even more, but still trying to take it as easy as possible...again, nothing super regular or worrisome at this point...keeping a close eye out until my next appointment on Wednesday.

Sleep: Still eh...definitely tired all the time, and finding it harder and harder to get comfortable at night.

Symptoms: Again not much change- Back/hip/leg pains. Sore and slightly swollen feet (and hands too), which seems to have gotten worse this past week- due to heat, I hope. Having to pee ALL the time (but then that could be all that water I'm drinking as well!). Just general exhaustion.

Belly button in or out? Not quite out, but not quite in seems to change from day to day as well depending on how she's positioned I think!

Looking forward to? Appointment on Wednesday (though that also means the dreaded glucose test which I don't look forward to at all...yuck!). Getting everything checked off my to do list. Finishing the nursery. Baby shower. Next ultrasound (3D!?)

(Psst...if you love the dress I'm wearing in this week's photo, it's another great buy from Pink Blush Maternity...make sure to enter my giveaway for a $25 Gift Certificate!!!)


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24