This is what happens when you let your 5 year old pick out his own clothes...a grey button up top and suit jacket mixed with plaid shorts and Thomas rain boots. They boy has style! A little business, a little fun- it's the best of both worlds! He cracks me up!!!

It wouldn't be a complete Instalately post from me without an awesome thrift find for the week! (Seriously, I may be a slight bit addicted!) This weeks wonderful find: this stool for just $3.50! I've been having troubles with painful, swelling feet which is making it hard to get my dishes, etc done so at that price I thought it would be perfect to get me off my feet and allow me to get those things done...and it even matched my house! Score!

Someone is ready for his birthday (and baby sister's arrival). He found his old Thomas calendar, hung it up to August and excitedly announced to me that it was now August!! Oh sweet child, if only it truly worked that way! It'll be here before we know it anyway!!

This is how I wake up every morning...with just a tiny sliver of bed! It's a good thing I'm small...but seriously, I could use just a little more room. I usually end up halfway down the bed just to avoid getting pushed off...perhaps its not the little one in my tummy causing the sleep issues, huh?
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