Saturday, June 15, 2013

30 Weeks!

How far along?
 30 Weeks...just 10 weeks to go!!

Baby's size: Head of Cabbage (3 pounds)

Maternity clothes: Mostly maternity, but still a bit of a mix when it comes to dresses and some tops.

Best moment this week: Our car seat arrived!! Another big check off our list!!

Miss anything?  Being comfortable! Being able to carry the little man, and snuggle him more comfortably. Having energy.

Movement: All. The. Time.

Food cravings: ICE!!! It's horrible!!

Food aversions: Still most drinks...I've had the occasional Sprite that hasn't bothered me TOO much, but can't stomach the thought of anything but water for the most part.

Gender: GIRL

Labor signs: Contractions, still...

Sleep: Exhausted all the time...but not sleeping well. Harder and harder to get comfy!!

Symptoms: Pain, pain...everywhere!!  Hands and feet still swelling. Contractions. A little bit of heartburn at times. Extremely exhausted. (I think I may be anemic, will find out at my next appointment!)

Belly button in or out? This Seriously, can't make up it's mind!

Looking forward to?  Baby Shower. Finishing the nursery. Getting everything done. And of course, meeting our baby girl (but despite the discomforts of pregnancy, I'm in no rush just yet.)


  1. Getting so close! You look amazing. Love your dress!

  2. You are still so tiny for being 30 weeks! When I was 30 weeks with my kids, I was HUGE!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24