Sorry, no fancy picture this week. I honestly just don't have the energy!! Instead, I'll again share this quick one taken at 31 weeks, 5 days...close enough anyway right?
These past few days have been exhausting...Thursday I started getting some horrible pain in my back and by Friday evening it was unbearable...I'd tried laying on my side, resting, warm baths, etc and nothing seemed to make the pain go away, so we decided to play it safe and head to the hospital. The good news is I had not dilated anymore than what I had been at my previous appointment. I was having a few contractions, as normal and baby wasn't handling them so well, so they put me on oxygen for awhile, which seemed to help. (I went through this same thing with Shaun as well.) All the tests came back normal and the ultrasound looked perfect, so all seems to be good...the back pain is still there, though less than it was...during the day anyway, but I just don't have much energy to do much of anything! (As my house is certainly beginning to show!) But anyway, onto the rest of the update:
How far along? 32 Weeks
Baby's size: Squash (2.5 to 3.8 pounds)
They did not do any measurements during our ultrasound Friday night, so we're not yet sure on her exact size, but the ultrasound tech did make a comment about being able to see facial features really well because baby was big and mommy was small...I don't know if she meant that baby was typical size for 32 weeks, but I'm still just small, or if we're looking at having a big baby...this mommy is a little worried! Hoping we will find out for sure very soon!
Maternity clothes: Probably 95% maternity at this point. I could still wear many of my pre-pregnancy tops if I chose to, but they're getting shorter than I would prefer!!
Best moment this week: Seeing our baby girls sweet face! We got a really great look at her facial features, which was really neat. We even got a picture of her adorable little lips...I think she's going to have full pouty lips just like big brother!! What do you think?
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Shaun at a few weeks old. Finley at 32 weeks. |
This was also the first ultrasound for Finley that Daddy had been there for, so it was very special for him too! He could not get over how clearly we could see her face, truly amazing!
Miss anything? Being comfortable.
Movement: Still all the time!
Food cravings: Ice.
Food aversions: Still most drinks...I've had the occasional Sprite that hasn't bothered me TOO much, but can't stomach the thought of anything but water for the most part.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: See above. But still only a fingertip dilated, so that's good!
Sleep: Not going so well...I miss it!
Symptoms: Back pain. Contractions. Swelling. Heartburn. Anemia. General exhaustion. Forgetfulness. You know, pretty much all those great things that can be expected in the third trimester!!
Belly button in or out? Flat-ish.
Looking forward to? Baby shower (assuming we don't have to cancel, it's in 2 weeks and 3 hours away...all things considered we're not entirely certain the doctor will advise us to go). Next appointment on Tuesday, so we can find out for sure and hopefully get the next ultrasound scheduled. Finishing up getting everything done...mostly, we have everything ready at this point...just a few things to finish. Big brother's reaction to meeting sister for the first time.
Movement: Still all the time!
Food cravings: Ice.
Food aversions: Still most drinks...I've had the occasional Sprite that hasn't bothered me TOO much, but can't stomach the thought of anything but water for the most part.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: See above. But still only a fingertip dilated, so that's good!
Sleep: Not going so well...I miss it!
Symptoms: Back pain. Contractions. Swelling. Heartburn. Anemia. General exhaustion. Forgetfulness. You know, pretty much all those great things that can be expected in the third trimester!!
Belly button in or out? Flat-ish.
Looking forward to? Baby shower (assuming we don't have to cancel, it's in 2 weeks and 3 hours away...all things considered we're not entirely certain the doctor will advise us to go). Next appointment on Tuesday, so we can find out for sure and hopefully get the next ultrasound scheduled. Finishing up getting everything done...mostly, we have everything ready at this point...just a few things to finish. Big brother's reaction to meeting sister for the first time.
This makes me excited for the third trimester, even though I just entered the second trimester. It seems to be going a lot quicker the second time around!
ReplyDeletei wish I had kept up with details like this during my pregnancy this is so sweet.