Over the next 52 weeks, I will be joining in with From Mrs To Mama in a wonderful link up: 52 Weeks of Blogging With A Purpose...a sort of a show and tell, with new topics each week. This weeks theme is 'Who I Am'...
I am a Christian. First and foremost, I would not be who I am without my relationship with God. It is through him that I have been blessed beyond measure. All things that have come in my life that have shaped me to be who I am, both the good and the bad are because of Him. He has blessed me in the good times, and been by my side through the bad and helped me through them all. Without God, I am nothing.

I am a Mommy! I could not have been more blessed to have been chosen to be this little man's Mommy. He is my world, my absolute everything! Though raising a child with Autism is not without challenges, I would not trade this boy for anything in the world. He is absolutely perfect in my eyes- smart, funny and oh so loveable. I am his advocate, his cheerleader and his number one fan!
Though our baby girl- Finley Grace- has not yet made her arrival, I already love her with all my heart as well, and will show her the same unconditional love that I have given her big brother.
I am a Wife. I am not a perfect wife or perfect housewife by any means, but I love my husband unconditionally, and support him one hundred percent. Through our 6.5 years of marriage, we have had many challenges tossed our way...more than many it seems- deployments, money troubles, raising a child with Autism, cross country moves, recruiting duty...many stresses in our life that could tear many couples apart, but we always make it through together. (My husband tells people its because we're both stubborn...this is true, but I always remind him that its because we love each other as well...he always leaves out THAT part! Ha!) I could truly not imagine life without my husband, and I love him more each day!
I am a sister and a daughter. It is my family- crazy as they are- who have made me who I am. I am incredibly blessed to have such a loving and supportive family. We may not always agree on every little thing, but at the end of the day, I know they love me unconditionally and have my back, always!
I am a Blogger! I have always had a passion for writing, and though fiction has always been what I was best at, I love having this creative outlet to share my life and our experiences with my wonderful readers. I enjoy sharing my amazing son and his accomplishments thus far, and educating others about Autism. As I venture into doing more reviews and giveaways, I love sharing new products that I think are of interest to my readers and particularly helping out smaller businesses and Etsy shops by spreading the word about their companies! And I love making someone's day when they receive the e-mail that they've won an awesome giveaway! (It's almost as much fun as getting those e-mails myself!)
I am a lover of all things vintage. A fan of fashion. A lover of crafts and cooking (even though I'm not as good at either as I would like to be.) An amateur photographer. A little quirky (perhaps a lot). A Disney addict. A bargain shopper. A book lover. A vegetarian in a family of meat eaters. A worrier. 100% unique...100% me.

I am a Blogger! I have always had a passion for writing, and though fiction has always been what I was best at, I love having this creative outlet to share my life and our experiences with my wonderful readers. I enjoy sharing my amazing son and his accomplishments thus far, and educating others about Autism. As I venture into doing more reviews and giveaways, I love sharing new products that I think are of interest to my readers and particularly helping out smaller businesses and Etsy shops by spreading the word about their companies! And I love making someone's day when they receive the e-mail that they've won an awesome giveaway! (It's almost as much fun as getting those e-mails myself!)
I am a lover of all things vintage. A fan of fashion. A lover of crafts and cooking (even though I'm not as good at either as I would like to be.) An amateur photographer. A little quirky (perhaps a lot). A Disney addict. A bargain shopper. A book lover. A vegetarian in a family of meat eaters. A worrier. 100% unique...100% me.

You and your son look so much alike! I live your blog. And I'm a Disney addict too!