This is how the end of my week last week went- my computer (which I'd only had just a couple months) died on me. What a sad day!! Thankfully, it was under warranty and HP customer service was wonderful- it came back to me in perfect working order today...there was some sort of issue with the power supply! But anyway, it's better now, and now its time to play catch up!!

Perhaps this post should be titled, 'Cuteness Overload' because it is going to be filled with Shaun cuteness...like these adorable self portraits I found on my phone (just 4 of MANY). How can you not just fall in love with that face!?

We recently discovered a Lego store in one of our local malls...and our Lego loving boy thinks its absolutely the coolest place in the world! He would go back daily if we'd let him! So fun!

This mommy recently decided that she needed to learn to make her own bows for baby Finley's hair. I still need some practice, but I found they were actually a lot easier than I'd thought they could be...and that they made great bow ties for big brother too! Matching hair bows and bow ties for big brother and baby sister!? I think so...stay tuned for the how to instructions on how to make these adorable (no sew) bows for yourself!

How would you like to be dropped off at work by Darth Vader?
This is how Shaun insisted on taking Daddy to work earlier this week...I'm pretty sure that made him the coolest guy in the office that day! (Though he would argue that's every day!)
Last week, Matt's dad and step-mom came for a bit of a surprise visit! We had a nice dinner, and they took us shopping for a baby gift- our wonderful new Sit N Stand stroller. This was one of my big wishlist items- Shaun has no sense of danger and has a tendency to walk out into traffic, run off in crowds, etc... when it's just him, I've found holding his hand works well, but I knew once baby came, it would be a little harder, so I love having this option of a stroller that he can ride on too! Needless to say, he's loving it as well!!

Shaun has a fascination/obsession with VHS tapes...unfortunately, we don't have a VCR...but his Mimi (my mom) does! So when he finds one he likes at a yard sale, he'll insist we buy them so he can watch them there! Mommy forgets about them every time, but as soon as we let him know where we're going, he has one ready to go!! Silly kid!

My sisters and I at our family reunion last weekend! Such a blast...it had been 13 years since our last reunion and it was great to see everyone again...though we certainly remembered things being much bigger at the lake where it was held!!

Thrift store find of the month? A brand new box of 3 xsmall Charlie Banana cloth diapers for just $3.99!! I was beyond ecstatic at this find!! Cannot wait to use these on our baby girl!!

Shaun likes to sleep in our bed...if he doesn't start the night there, he usually finds his way in during the middle of the night...but over the weekend, he actually slept in HIS bed all night long. The problem? Mommy and Daddy also fell asleep in his bed too! Oops...baby steps!!

Shaun's 6th Birthday is quickly approaching- August 4th to be exact! And this lucky little guy got one of his birthday presents a few weeks early- a brand new Angry Birds bike AND helmet!! Daddy wanted to make sure he had some time to ride it before school starts next week...and because baby will actually be full term the day before his birthday- we wanted to be sure that should she come right at 37 weeks, he already had at least one of his gifts beforehand!! He doesn't care the reasoning behind the early gift of course, but he's loving his new bike and proudly announces, "look, I'm an Angry Bird!"

After getting all the gifts from the shower home, I then had the fun job of getting everything all organized!! It took some time, but everything has found its place in the closet/nursery (aside from baby gear that will eventually find its way throughout the house, but for now is being stored in the closet)...I was also able to completely finish decorating as well- aside from some curtains that my wonderful sister in law is making for us- full nursery reveal once those arrive!!
Needless to say, it's been a very busy few weeks around here- and will only get busier as we prepare for back to school, Shaun's birthday and party and of course all the last minute preparations and planning for our baby girl's arrival!!
Jealous about the diaper find. That's awesome!
ReplyDeleteNICE find on the cloth diapers. :)