These past few weeks have been super busy for us! Preparing for baby, sending the little man off to kindergarten, throwing a birthday party, doctor's appointments... there's not enough time in the day. Here is a little bit of what's been happening here via Instagram.

Shaun started school last Monday! (Yes, in JULY!) It's so hard to believe my little guy is in Kindergarten this year!! So grown up! I'll post more on how school is going later...that's a post all by itself! This is a picture of me and the little man waiting on the bus...needless to say, he was over pictures at this point!

Shaun started school last Monday! (Yes, in JULY!) It's so hard to believe my little guy is in Kindergarten this year!! So grown up! I'll post more on how school is going later...that's a post all by itself! This is a picture of me and the little man waiting on the bus...needless to say, he was over pictures at this point!

Another one from the first day of school...Shaun turned the camera on me! So silly!!
Here's the photo from my side:

This silly boy of mine...Daddy was giving him a bath and Shaun called me up, told me to take his picture and post it to I did! (And Instagram too!)
Aside from school starting Shaun's birthday and party was the big highlight of our week! Shaun requested a Thomas party for his 6th birthday (again) and was beyond excited when everything came in! On August 1st, his first words off the bus were, "Did you decorate?" He's been waiting for August for so long!!

A small peak at all the birthday party decorations, courtesy of Birthday Express (come back Monday for the full look, and review!). I didn't take any Instagram photos during the party, but Shaun had a great time! Unfortunately, Daddy had to work for most of it...ironic, since he hadn't worked over the weekend in MONTHS, but we held off cake and presents until he arrived anyway...and isn't that the greatest part?

The cake (not a great picture, taken in my too dark kitchen).
Now, let me start by saying that my Shaun (like many with Autism) are very particular about things, and when he has something in his head, it must happen exactly as planned...and for his birthday cake he insisted on a Thomas cake (no cupcakes) from the store, not made by Mommy. Easy enough, right? It would be, BUT he also insisted the cake itself be BLUE! We could not find any place around that did it...turns out all the store bakeries actually use frozen cake. But about a week before the party, we stopped by the post office to drop off some giveaway prizes (a rare occurrence since usually the sponsors ship directly) and discovered an awesome little bakery right next door! So we went in and sure enough, they were able to do just what we needed...and only cost us about $10 more than one of those frozen cakes would have. Let me tell you, not only was it exactly what Shaun was DELICIOUS!!

Speaking of adorable faces...this little one refused to let us see hers! But we got to see her hands and feet at least! What a bummer! At least we'll be seeing it for real very soon!!
The Thomas birthday theme is too cool! Especially the cake. Your son has style!