Thursday, August 8, 2013

Packing For The Hospital Made Easy with Push Pack {A Summer Baby Loving Giveaway}

Summer Baby Loving Blog Hop Giveaway
Welcome to the Summer Baby Loving Blog Hop Giveaway, hosted by Cloth Diapering Again, The Inquisitive Mom, and Our Piece of Earth, in celebration of babies and mamas! There are two grand prizes up for grabs, one open to US and Canada, and one open just to the US.
Don't forget to enter the grand prizes!
Summer Baby Loving Grand Prize 1
Summer Baby Loving Grand Prize 2
Go here to enter to win a grand prize!
Each blogger has a prize worth at least $25 on their blog, so hop around on the linky and enter to win some summer baby loving.

*Product was received for review.

When I was pregnant with my son, I had absolutely no idea what to pack for the hospital! To be honest, I cannot even recall if I actually had a bag packed at all (though I must have, as I do remember wearing my own nightgown after my little man was born). I was completely and totally unprepared! The second time around, you'd think I would have a better idea...but every time I found myself thinking about what to pack in the hospital bag, I still found myself at a loss...not to mention would get distracted thinking about the more important and stressful issue of what to do about my son during our hospital stay! Thankfully, Small Batch Studio came to my rescue with their genius product- the Push Pack!

The Push Pack is a prepacked hospital bag filled with everything mom wants and needs during the hospital stay! Basically the idea is that the only thing mom needs to pack herself is personal items such as clothing, phone chargers, camera, etc. It takes all the guesswork out of packing for the hospital! From snacks to personal hygiene to has everything pretty well covered. Here's a look at what is included:

  • Lather® shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, facial soap
  • loofah 
  • Kiss My Face shaving cream & razor  
  • Crystal deodorant wipes
  • comb & hair band
  • Earth Mama Angel Baby® lip balm & bottom balm
  • Tom’s of Maine toothpaste & toothbrush
  • breast pads
  • maxi pads
  • disposable underwear
  • nail file
  • playing cards
  • Motherlove Organic Nipple Cream®
  • notepad, thank you cards & pen 
  • gum
  • lollypop
  • snacks
  • Daddy Scrubs sticker & $10 gift card.
Some of these items I'm sure I would have thought to pack myself- most of the personal hygiene products for instance...but then again, I'm fairly certain that with my son I actually did forget to pack a hairbrush...and possibly even toothbrush too! (Things I was still actively using up until the point we left.) I also never would have thought to take a notepad or thank you cards- and even if I had would probably have forgotten the pen anyway! Not that there is much downtime in the hospital, BUT if there is, you can use these to keep track of gifts that come in and work on the thank you cards then! Or you can make note of anything you might want to remember...with all the excitement of the new baby, I know parts of our stay were a blur for sure! With the Push Pack, I really don't have to worry about missing anything- I simply toss it into my bag with a few other things (my clothes, hospital gown, Daddy Scrubs, camera and phone charger) and I am ready to go! (Though I'll be honest, I will likely pack some extra nursing pads aside from the one set included.) So easy, and so much less stress on this mama!! I only wish I had had this when I gave birth to my son as well!

The Push Pack is an ideal gift for ANY mom to be- from the first time mom who has no idea what she may or may not need, to the busy mom who simply doesn't have time to spend packing, to the moms like myself who are just stressed and/or forgetful... EVERY mom will appreciate the thought given to make her life a little easier and help her to feel more prepared! There is truly no better gift for a stressed mama than peace of mind! Now that I have my Push Pack packing for the hospital is no longer weighing on my mind and I can focus my attention to more important things- like making sure my little man is taken care of during our hospital stay!

And if you're feeling a little fancier- they also offer the Princess Push Pack! You can check out both options and connect with Push Pack at the links below:

And as part of the Summer Baby Loving Giveaway Hop Event, Push Pack has generously supplied us with a Push Pack for one lucky winner!! Retail Value: $44.95. Please enter using the Rafflecopter form below. (Note: To be eligible to win you MUST complete BOTH mandatory entries- following my blog, and liking the sponsor on Facebook, if only one is completed and you are chosen as the winner, unfortunately a new winner will be chosen! All entries will be verified and anyone found to be cheating will be disqualified!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery. US only.

Cloth Diapering Again, The Inquisitive Mom, Our Piece of Earth, and Summer Baby Loving Blog Hop Giveaway participating bloggers are not responsible for prize fulfillment.

**I received the product mentioned above in exchange for this review. All thoughts are 100% my own. I received no other compensation.

If you enjoy my blog, won't you please consider taking just a moment to click the link below and voting for A Modern Day Fairy Tale in the Voiceboks Top 50 Military Mom Bloggers!? I cannot offer you any extra entries, no special incentive to be had, but I would greatly appreciate the support! Thank you so much!


  1. a friend that is having her first this winter! My must have was a comfy shirt to wear in place of a hospital gown.

  2. My best friend who will be having their first soon.

  3. I wish this was open to Canada! I'd love to enter.

  4. This would be great to have when baby number two arrives this winter! Our must-have for the hospital? Definitely the camera...

  5. I've never had a child, but if I won, I'd love to give this to a friend of mine who is due sometime between Christmas and the New Year. She would LOVE it.

  6. Selfishly, this would be for me :-). Baby is due in 5 weeks. Right now, I have two special things on my "must have" list for the hospital bag. One is a photo of my great-great-grandma, my great-grandma, my grandma, my mom, and me - to remind myself that I come from a line of strong women and I can do this (deliver naturally)! The other is an addressed envelope so I can send a photo to my gran ASAP (she doesn't have a computer or a smart phone).

  7. for myself toothbrush and hairbrush deodorant

  8. It would be for me and my laptop is a must have.

  9. for me, havent had lil one yet so idk

  10. I'd give this to my little sister; she's due with her first child in October.

  11. Im expecting our first baby, so I don't know what to pack yet, but this would be a perfect start!

  12. this would be for me. im due with #2 this winter. and my must have was a camera and my mp3 player and sweatpants.

  13. i would gift this to a friend because i plan to homebirth again :) must have: secret snacks if you're in the hospital ;)

  14. This would be for my wife, she is due in October. I make sure to bring her ipod to have music.

  15. I think it is a neat idea and I would give it to a friend.

  16. This would be for a friend of mine due in October. The biggest thing I regretted not taking to the hospital was my favourite pillow ):

  17. It would be for me.
    Chapstick, Nipple cream, Undercover Mama and deodorant are absolute necessities to me!

  18. If I win, this will be for a good friend of mine who will be a FTM in December! When I packed for the hospital, my must haves were my own pillow, snacks, phone and charger besides mine & baby's clothes.

  19. If I win, It would be for my self. I will pack for the hospital own pillow, snacks, phone and charger besides mine pads,camera, baby's clothes and my husband


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24