Now that we are so close to the end...who wants to take a guess at when Miss Finley will make her grand appearance!? How big will she be? Hair color? (Hair, period?) Eye color? Any other predictions?
Some more information to help you in your predictions:
I am 38 weeks, 1 day today (Sunday), due date August 24.
Shaun was born at 38 weeks, 2 days.
Finley is at -1 station, 50 effaced, 1 cm dilated as of last Tuesday.
Next appointment is this Tuesday.
Some more information to help you in your predictions:
I am 38 weeks, 1 day today (Sunday), due date August 24.
Shaun was born at 38 weeks, 2 days.
Finley is at -1 station, 50 effaced, 1 cm dilated as of last Tuesday.
Next appointment is this Tuesday.
At 36 weeks, ultrasound measured Finley at 6 pounds, 11 ounces.
Ultrasound tech also mentioned that she appeared to have long legs.
Ultrasound tech also mentioned that she appeared to have long legs.
Shaun was born 6 pounds, 15 ounces.
Shaun was born with little to no hair, what he did have was very blond.
Mommy and Daddy are both naturally blond, but Mommy was actually born with dark hair. My hair does have a slight red at times...and Matt has red in his facial hair. Both of our dads also have a bit of red as well.
Shaun was born with little to no hair, what he did have was very blond.
Mommy and Daddy are both naturally blond, but Mommy was actually born with dark hair. My hair does have a slight red at times...and Matt has red in his facial hair. Both of our dads also have a bit of red as well.
I have had a bit of heartburn this time around, but nothing too serious!
Mommy, Daddy & Shaun all have blue eyes.
So, what do you think!?
Leave your guesses in the comments!!
Now onto the usual weekly update:
Mommy, Daddy & Shaun all have blue eyes.
So, what do you think!?
Leave your guesses in the comments!!
Now onto the usual weekly update:

How far along? 38 Weeks... and ready to meet Miss Finley whenever she decides to finally join us! Big brother was born at 38 weeks, 2 here's hoping!! *fingers crossed*
Baby's size: Pumpkin
Again, our ultrasound at 36 weeks measured her at about 6 pounds 11 ounces then.
Again, our ultrasound at 36 weeks measured her at about 6 pounds 11 ounces then.
Maternity clothes: Of course!
Best moment this week: Finding out progress had been made...even if it wasn't as much as we'd have hoped anyway!!
Miss anything? Being comfortable and being able to get things done. And sleep!!
Movement: Yes, though she definitely seems to be running out of room!
Food cravings: Ice.
Food aversions: Just drinks.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: Still lots of contractions, slowly seeming to become more intense as well. At my last appointment, baby was in station -1, 50% effaced, 1 cm dilated again, definitely some progress being made, but we certainly wish there was more and hope there will be come my next appointment on Tuesday! After last week's appointment, I was sent to Labor & Delivery to be monitored for a few hours. My blood pressure was just slightly on the higher than average side, and with the crazy swelling I'd had in one foot, my doctor just wanted to be certain...but everything looked good during monitoring, and again on Friday when they had me in for another quick check so no worries there. They were seeing a ton of contractions on the monitors, but unfortunately was still only 1 centimeter when I left!!
Sleep: What's that!?
Symptoms: Back pain. Contractions. Swelling. General exhaustion. Forgetfulness. See above!
Belly button in or out? Flat
Looking forward to? Meeting our baby girl!
Movement: Yes, though she definitely seems to be running out of room!
Food cravings: Ice.
Food aversions: Just drinks.
Gender: GIRL
Labor signs: Still lots of contractions, slowly seeming to become more intense as well. At my last appointment, baby was in station -1, 50% effaced, 1 cm dilated again, definitely some progress being made, but we certainly wish there was more and hope there will be come my next appointment on Tuesday! After last week's appointment, I was sent to Labor & Delivery to be monitored for a few hours. My blood pressure was just slightly on the higher than average side, and with the crazy swelling I'd had in one foot, my doctor just wanted to be certain...but everything looked good during monitoring, and again on Friday when they had me in for another quick check so no worries there. They were seeing a ton of contractions on the monitors, but unfortunately was still only 1 centimeter when I left!!
Sleep: What's that!?
Symptoms: Back pain. Contractions. Swelling. General exhaustion. Forgetfulness. See above!
Belly button in or out? Flat
Looking forward to? Meeting our baby girl!
I think she will be here at 39 weeks 1 day. 7lbs 8oz, 22 inches long.
ReplyDeleteLots of dark hair & blue eyes.
I'm due on August 21st, though I have gone past my due date with my other three children, so I'm not anticipating an arrival before then! You look really cute!
ReplyDeleteI think she'll have dark(er) hair and more than Shaun had. Blue eyes. 7lbs1oz (though for your sake I hope she'll stay at 6 lbs something lol)38 weeks 3 days.
ReplyDeleteThis is fun. Visiting from Babies and Beyond!
You look darling cute. Hope you'll get some rest and Good Luck!
we are 36 weeks now and I keep wondering the same thing. I have gotten progesterone shots to help me stay pregnant until this week. I have delivered at 20 weeks, 31 weeks (after my water breaking at 26 weeks), 35 weeks, 40 weeks and 42. So I keep guessing when it will happen.