If you're like me, your Facebook newsfeed is probably being blown up lately by friends taking the time out of each day and sharing what they are thankful for. I try to remember to be thankful for the wonderful blessings God has given us throughout the year, but I think its wonderful to take the time out and publicly give thanks, so I personally love seeing what my friends are thankful for each day! Today, I want to share with all of you my personal posts from this past week:
Day 1: I am thankful for my prince charming, my wonderful husband. After nearly 7 years of marriage, we have overcome so much- deployments, cross country moves, having a child with Autism, a miscarriage, recruiting duty...and still we stand- proving all the naysayers wrong! I am thankful to have found someone who can make me laugh, put up with my flaws and who is just as stubborn as I am! God knew what he was doing by putting such an unlikely match together from across the globe, and I thank Him every day for that!
Day 2: I am thankful for my Shaun...As mothers, we are supposed to inspire our children, be the type of person we want them to be and teach them...but the reality is, Shaun has inspired and taught me more than I could ever dream of teaching him. In his six years, he has worked and fought harder than any kid his age should have to. He has been through countless hours of therapy, overcome so many obstacles and continues every day to amaze me with his incredible mind and strength. He has shown me what it means to love unconditionally and to stand up and fight and never give up. He has made me a better person, and for that he is my little hero. I am so thankful to have been chosen to be his mommy, and I cannot wait to see the plans that God has in store for his life.
Day 3-I am thankful for our beautiful, perfect Finley Grace.
It was around this time last year that we first found out that our little family would be expanding. A few weeks later, we were devastated when that pregnancy ended in a miscarriage. But looking down at our sweet girl now, I know that THIS is the baby that God had intended for us to have here on earth, and we could not imagine our lives without her.
Day 4: I am thankful to have been blessed with the greatest parents a girl could ever ask for. They have both taught me so much, and have shaped me into the woman I am today. My mom has the kindest heart of any person I know, always willing to go above and beyond. She has an incredible strength that I truly admire. She kicked breast cancer in the behind, and never once lost faith through it all. She has taught all of us girls what it means to be strong and faithful, and I can only hope to be half as wonderful a woman as she is. My dad is the hardest working man I've ever seen. He always seems to be working on something, and has shown us what it means to work hard in life. He has also always done everything he could to make sure that all of us girls were taken care of...even still as adults! I know if there was ever anything I needed, my dad would be there! I am truly blessed!
Day 5: I am thankful for my wonderful sisters...though we've had our disagreements through the years, as all siblings do, there has never been a doubt in my mind that they have always had my back no matter what. They can make me laugh harder than anyone in this world, and are the only ones who understand the random Boy Meets World or Buffy references that randomly come out. ("They want you to take the sweet and low!!") I was truly blessed to have the greatest sisters in the world!

Day 6: I am thankful for my cupcake, Erica! She understands me better than probably anyone else in this world, because not only has she been there for me during my personal struggles, but she's fought them herself. Despite our distance, she has always been there for a long distance shoulder to cry on with a ridiculously long piece of toilet paper to dry the tears. She has seen me at my absolute worst and loves me all the same. She's also one of the few who has ALWAYS been supportive of Matt and I, giving me the advice to throw caution to the wind and go for it. I truly believe that God sends people into your life because he knows that you NEED them, and that is certainly the case for Erica, I truly don't know where I would be today without her. She's my invisible Johnny Depp seeing, table dancing, pole hiding, MK & A lovin' cupcake and my life is better because of her.
Day 7: I'm thankful for my other best friend, Brittany. We've been friends since the 8th Grade and our friendship has only continued to grow stronger despite time and distance. There are some friends in life that really are truly more like family and that is definitely the case for Brittany. She is not only always there for ME, but she has always been there for my family as well. (Shaun loves his Aunt Brittany...and not just because she brings him candy bigger than his head and video games and slingshots!) She is the complete definition of a true friend, going above and beyond time and time again.
She also hasn't killed my husband yet...which I'm also truly thankful for!
She's the greatest friend a girl could ask for and I'm truly blessed to call her mine.
Are you participating in the month of being thankful? What were you thankful for this week?
You most definitely have a lot to be thankful for! I'm so very thankful for my husband, daughters, and grandsons!
ReplyDeleteI have not participated in it daily. Mainly because I'm too forgetful to post, but I'm thankful for leftover food.