Whew...is it just me or is anyone else still trying to catch their breath from the whirlwind that was December!? Between preparations for Christmas, sickness, and traveling home for the holidays- we kept busy, busy, busy! Here is a brief peek at what the month held for us via Instagram:

I stumbled across these adorable shots of Shaun and Daddy in an old coat of Shaun's.
I don't know when they had them taken, but they made my day!

Shaun and I got a little silly...or perhaps a lot.
We'll blame the excitement of Christmas.
(But really, that's just us!)

But we had our calm, cuddling moments too.

Big brother decided to help mama with diaper changes...he prepped this Flip diaper all by himself! (I'm pretty sure even daddy wouldn't know how to do that...what a big helper he is!)

Finley's one long hair continued to grow.
She has a few longer hairs, but these one is drastically longer, and always sticks out!

Shaun started Christmas break a week early...but not under the best of circumstances.
Less than a week before we planned to head home for the holidays, he developed a rash on his hands and feet, and some sores in his mouth...you guessed it- hand, foot and mouth disease! And the trip to the doctor also revealed strep throat on top of it. Thankfully everything cleared up in time, and we were able to make our trip as planned (after getting the okay from every family member with young kids that we would be seeing, of course!)

Of course, we prepared for our Christmas celebration.
The highlight of the holidays for Shaun was his Playstation 2, which he begged for and insisted he must have. Thankfully, we were able to find just ONE at a local used game store nearby!

Home for the holidays- first up, my mom's for Christmas Eve and then Matt's family's for Christmas. Overall we were away from home for just under two weeks. It was great spending so much time with the family without being rushed, but I'm still playing catchup from being gone so long!

And of course, we celebrated Finley's very first Christmas!!
And through it all, my children remained their adorable selves:
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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24