Thursday, May 29, 2014

Our Summer To-Do

School's out for summer...or almost anyway! And that means kids are home and looking for something fun to do to fight the boredom! If it were up to my son, he'd probably be content to spend the entire summer vacation playing video games...but what a waste of summer that would be! Instead we want to fill the summer with lots of fun experiences. Here's a look at some of the fun summer activities we will try to do over summer break:

  • Plant a garden. (We've already started but will continue this over the summer. My son is particularly excited about his sunflowers he planted! This is not only a super fun family activity for us, but also a great learning experience as well!)
  • Visit the zoo.
  • Go swimming. (Even if it's just a kiddy pool in the backyard since this mama cannot swim!)
  • Jump in the bounce house!
  • Go to our family reunion.
  • Ride bikes.
  • Have a lemonade stand. (We're working out the details on this one, but it's at the top of our list!)
  • Go yard sale shopping! (Shaun has developed his mommy's love of yard sales fun!)
  • Make homemade ice cream. (A family tradition in my family- we always enjoyed taking turns cranking the ice cream...and eating it too of course!)
  • Visit the park (and you know, find a park to visit!)
  • Go fishing. (That's a Shaun and Daddy activity! Shaun is ready with his Star Wars fishing pole!)
  • Have picnics...and lots of them! (We've already had a few.)
  • Plan the HUGE birthday bash for August!!! (Shaun will turn 7 and Finley will turn 1!!)
  • Make fresh squeezed lemonade.
  • Drink smoothies. (I make a great one, if I do say so myself!)
  • Grill out...often.
  • Fly a kite.
  • Get better at badminton...and golf... and maybe even basketball!
  • Visit a theme park. (We hope to be able to go to Holiday World this year, schedule allowing!)
  • Eat fair food.
  • See fireworks.
  • Take a lot of pictures!
  • HAVE FUN!!!!

Do you have big plans for this summer? Are you a plan every minute type of mom? Or a play it by ear? (Or are you like me- a little bit of both?) I'd love to hear all about it!


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"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24