Monday, May 5, 2014

Save Energy & Money...When Your Kids Won't with LED Power! {#LEDSavings #Collective Bias #sp}

I am a member of the Collective Bias®  Social Fabric® Community.  This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper amplification for Collective Bias and its advertiser. #LEDSavings #CollectiveBias

Do you ever get the feeling that you are constantly reminding your kiddo to turn off the lights behind them? Or the television? Or even the water when they're brushing their teeth? Regardless of how often I try to teach my son the importance of saving energy and not being wasteful, the reality is he's still six years old and more often than not he always seems to forget. Do you know that old country song, 'Every Light in the House Is On'? Sometimes I feel like this is the theme song around here!  I find myself following him from room to room turning off each and every light. But all these lights going wastes not only energy, but also what is an eco (and budget) conscious mommy supposed to do? For this mommy, we found the solution in the  LED power of GE LED Energy Smart light bulbs available at my local Walmart.

So, why do we choose LED light bulbs?

  • Great lighting. GE LED Smart Energy light bulbs offer a 'soft white like' performance...the same type of great lighting most of us are used to with our old incandescent lights. We don't have to sacrifice great lighting to save. They also turn on quickly and are dimmable, so they work wonderfully for all our lighting needs.
  • Long lasting. One LED light bulb lasts as long as 15 traditional incandescent bulbs (and uses 80% less energy too). We started making the switch to LED lighting in our home just over 2 years ago. I'll be honest, while the 'better for the environment' aspect certainly played a large role- the convenience of not changing bulbs was an even bigger motivator. I'm not a fan of nearly breaking my neck trying to stand on a chair on my tiptoes so my just under 5 foot self can change the light. The less often I have to change them, the better! And in those lights that we have made the switch, I've NEVER had to change them...not once in the two years we've lived in our home! In fact, used 3 hours a day, the 40 watt replacement LED can last 22.8 YEARS! That's right, I said, YEARS!

    • Environmentally Friendly. As already stated, LED light bulbs use 80% less energy than their incandescent counterparts. The LED replacement for a 40 watt bulb uses only 7 watts! In addition to saving energy, LED blubs are also free of mercury, lead and glass.
    • Saves Money. LED light bulbs may be the pricier option to start... but the long term savings are incredible and make it well worth the upfront cost! They save you both money on your electric bill and in not having to replace so often. You can use use the annual savings calculator to calculate just how much YOUR family can save. For our family, if we switch out all 16 light bulbs within our home to LED, we could save around $94.43 each year! And that's not even counting our outdoor lighting. I don't know about you, but I could think of a lot more ways I would rather spend $94!!

    With all these amazing benefits, is it any wonder that GE LEDs are the new way to light your home and your life? Ultimately, I will still strive to teach my children the value of conserving energy by turning off lights when not in use. Still, I know that they won't always listen, and 9 times out of 10 I will once again be going from room to room turning off each and every light. It makes me happy to know that GE LED Energy Smart bulbs will help me save energy and money, even when my children will not!

    To find out more about LED light bulbs and making the switch in your household, you can check out the links below:

    Have you made the switch to LED Power in your home? Why was that the best choice for your family? What other tips do you have for conserving energy and teaching children to do the same?


    1. My five year old daughter also doesn't completely understand the value of turning off lights in the house. You're doing a great job trying to teach your son while saving energy and money with GE LED power! #client

    2. Sometimes I think I'm the only one in the house who knows how the light switch works! So yay for long lasting light bulbs.

    3. And don't for a moment think it's limited to kids- my husband is the worst when it comes to leaving lights on!


    "Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24