Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Living Naturally? No Sweat with Tom's of Maine! {#shop #FreshNaturally #cbias #CollectiveBias}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #CollectiveBias #FreshNaturally

About a year or so ago, my family decided to make the effort to reduce or eliminate harmful chemicals in various areas of our lives. We started with cleaning which was easy enough and then moved onto our skin and beauty routines. That's where it became a little harder. Soaps and body washes were easy enough to find and after a bit of looking I was even able to find more natural solutions for oral care, hair and shaving. But there was one area that still eluded me...long-lasting deodorant!! And let's be honest...this is an area you don't want to mess around with. It's okay if people call you a bit crunchy...or even a hippie. Being concerned with living greener is a GOOD thing. But being called stinky? Well, that's not so good! There HAD to be an option that worked well and was more natural as well. With this already crazy hot summer, I needed something NOW! So, I drove down to my local Whole Foods store to see what I could find.


What I found was Tom's of Maine. We've used Tom's products in other areas of personal fact, their toothpaste is our absolute favorite. I feel like it makes my teeth feel cleaner than more 'mainstream' options, and their kids' toothpaste is the ONLY kind my son will use. Even my husband, who quite honestly could care less about it being natural or not prefers it. We're big Tom's fans in this household. But to be honest, I had no idea that they also made deodorant. I was excited to give it a shot and hopeful that I would love it just as much as I loved the oral care products. Here's a visual of just what it is I love about this company:

In the past, I'd tried a few other natural anti-perspirant options and was not pleased with the results. I found that they either didn't work...or smelled absolutely, positively horrible! Yuck! I don't want my deodorant to make me smell worse before I've even started to sweat!! I want my kids and my husband to want to cuddle me at the end of a long day, not turn up their noses in disgust. And quite frankly, I don't want to smell myself smelling less than wonderful either! So given my previous experience with natural deodorants, while I was hopeful about Tom's of Maine, I was also a little apprehensive!

Seriously, mom! You stink!!

Summer has only just started, but we have already been hitting 80s and 90s here in Indiana! But it's the humidity that's the worst! One step outside and you could be instantly drenched! (Glamorous, right?) Needless to say, my Tom's of Maine got put to the biggest test it could, right off the bat! And thankfully, it WORKED! It went on smoothly and lasted all day! And, despite being unscented I found it actually had a very subtle 'clean' smell to it...very refreshing!

You NEED this!

Finally, I can have a great working, long lasting deodorant that will keep me smelling great from morning until night. A deodorant that can survive everything summer throws at it, without using those harsh ingredients I'm trying to limit. Finally, I don't have to choose between smelling good and living more naturally. With Tom's of Maine, I can truly have it all.

Is there an area that YOU have struggled to find more natural alternatives for? Perhaps you too have struggled with the battle of deodorants? Have you tried Tom's of Maine antiperspirants? As always, I love to hear your thoughts.


  1. I am trying to bring more and more "natural" alternatives into our home. I wish I could have everything natural, but most things are just more expensive than others. But this is one I will sure check out!

  2. I am in need of a new deodorant, looks like a good one Ill have to try! Makeup has been a hard area to find naturally, but recently I found a line of Tarte's brand that carries a vegan line, which I have tried and loved!

  3. I will have to try this as I have so far been woefully unsuccessful and stinky with other deodorant only preparations.

  4. I haven't found the perfect shampoo yet. Still searching! #client

  5. I got a pretty bad rash at first, but that's normal. Getting a rash is kindof your body's response from switching from the mainstream deodorants to a more natural option. I usually alternated between using nothing and using this kind. It works great now and no rash! I also like Taylor's Pits!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24