Thursday, July 31, 2014

Summer Style with Cloth Diapers

A huge thanks to Buttons Diapers for providing the adorable diapers that can be seen in this post. All thoughts are my own.

We all know the benefits of using cloth diapers. They save money. They're better for baby. They're better for the planet. These are all great, responsible and logical reasons to choose cloth. But there is another not so practical reason that many of us love cloth...they're absolutely, positively adorable! And when it comes to being adorable, Buttons Diapers are at the top of my list!

Let's face it...disposable diapers aren't really that cute. They're boring with their plain white style...sure some have favorite characters, but still are nothing in comparison to the many fun designs and colors available with cloth. Once they've been on for a bit- soiled or not- they seem to start to look's like the dirt just goes straight to them. Truly, they just aren't as FUN as cloth!

During the summer, using cloth is even better! Why? A cute top and diaper is all you need to have a stylish baby in the summer heat! Why wear pants with diapers this cute!?

I love solid colored diapers with a cute top for a simple summer look...but want to take it up a notch? Bring on the prints! Seriously, how perfect is the new Acres diaper for summer (and fall) trips to the farm!? I adore it!!

This is only one of the 4 fabulous prints just introduced by Buttons. Take a look at these other cute diapers (and a few style ideas I put together with clothing from Carters). How would YOU style them?

The great thing about Buttons (aside from being stinkin' adorable!)? They are an all in two system...which means you simply change the insert, NOT the whole diaper...the cuteness can last throughout the day! This certainly is another great thing to love about cloth...Pants? No, thank you!!

Want to add some cute diapers to your child's summer wardrobe. Be sure to connect with Buttons at the links below:

Visit the Website.
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Do you enjoy coordinating diapers and creating fun summer styles for your child? What fun ways would you style the new Buttons prints? Which is your favorite?


  1. I want to start cloth diapering our son soon! There are so many fun prints out there.....disposables are so boring!! I cannot wait to coordinate his outfits with his diapers! :)


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