Thursday, August 28, 2014

Finley Grace, 12 Months.

12 Months!? Yes, our little miss officially turned a year old on August 19th...and I still don't believe it! How could she possible be so big already!? Aside from turning one, the past month has been a big one for her. Here's a bit of what Miss Fin is up to at 12 months:

  • Finley weighs 22 pounds and is 29.5 inches.
  • She is wearing 18 month clothes, and has a few 24 months that fit pretty well also.
  • She is talking up a storm! She can say mommy, daddy, bubby, Elsa and Anna...all the important people it seems. She has also started saying 'bye-bye' at times.
  • Waving is definitely coming along (in addition to the bye bye). Adorable.
  • She can point to your nose when asked...though only when she feels like it, it seems!
  • She tries to sing the opening to's adorable!
  • If you hadn't figured it out, Frozen is still her favorite. She seems to love it more and more every day! She's obsessed.
  • She likes Disney in general as well, and gets super excited when she sees the opening!
  • Fin is a great eater. Zucchini, blueberries, apples, carrots, broccoli, avocado...she loves it all!
  • She is still a breastfeeding champ, no end in sight! (I will let her wean herself.)
  • She is walking everywhere now, and has been for over a month now. She's got this walking thing DOWN.
  • She's also got climbing down...God help us!
  • She's a very curious and adventurous baby...into everything!
It's certainly been a big month for Finley, and while I am still in shock and disbelief, it is so much fun watching her discover the world! Isn't this age FUN (and perhaps exhausting too!)??


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24