Monday, August 25, 2014

Goodbye Scissors... Hello Walgreens Paperless Coupons {#WalgreensPaperless #shop #cbias}

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #WalgreensPaperless #CollectiveBias

Confession of the day: I HATE spending money. Okay, okay...for anyone who knows me that's actually not much of a confession. Cheapskate, frugal, thrifty...however you want to say it, I fit the bill. The less I can spend on something we need, the BETTER! So naturally, coupons have been a big part of my life. Yes, I have been that crazy lady with the huge binder overflowing with coupons. I've never bought multiple papers, but I have met up with fellow couponers and traded for what I needed. And yes, I even have a stockpile. But let's be honest couponing is a lot of work! You have to collect your inserts, clip your coupons, organize your binder, research deals, make your lists... Still, I loved the savings so I made the time! I'd wait until my son was in school so I could clip uninterrupted. And then I had my daughter.
Suddenly, my carefully planned out coupon time was no more. My daughter required my attention and naturally took priority. I found myself getting further and further behind...and once you get behind with coupons, it can be tough to catch up! Despite my best efforts, I found myself tossing out completely unused inserts away because the expiration dates had come and gone. At one point I realized that my newspaper subscription (strictly for coupons) was no longer paying for itself, so I cancelled it and stuck with the free inserts that come in the mail each week only...and truth be told, many of them were going unused. As much as I missed that savings, I just did not have the time anymore. Even now, as my daughter is nearing a year old, I STILL don't have the time required to clip all those coupons. And when I DO find the time? Well, those little hands are just drawn to all those little paper scraps! (I suppose they look tasty!)
Still, I also cannot bring myself to pay full price, knowing that there are ways to get them cheaper. So, what is a super busy, super thrifty mommy to do? Thankfully for me, I discovered something even better than plain ol' paper coupons- Walgreens paperless coupons!
So, what are Walgreens paperless coupons? Unlike traditional coupons, these eCoupons can be 'clipped' to your Balance Rewards account and used towards your purchases. At checkout, you simply scan your Rewards card and the discount is applied. Super easy! And if you're like me and somehow always manage to lose those pesky cards, aside from the actual card, you can also sync your Rewards membership to the Walgreens Mobile App and scan directly from your phone, or punch in your phone number at checkout! Even easier! And still not the best part- many in store coupon programs require you to get on the computer to 'clip' right? Still easier than clipping paper coupons, but I find I often forget to do this before running to the store. (Or having to make an emergency run for toilet paper! Eeek!) With the Walgreens mobile app, you can clip right from your if you have that unplanned run to the store, you can clip right at the store! (Note: Each coupon can be used only once, and will be removed from your coupon list once redeemed.)
Now, with the help of Walgreens paperless coupons, I can get the coupon savings I so desire on things like food or beauty or medications, without all the work. Not only am I saving money, but more importantly I am saving time. As much as I love paying less, I love that time savings even more. My daughter's first year has already flown by, and I know these next few years will go by just as quickly. I don't want to look back and wish I'd spent more time playing with my children and less time saving a few dollars. Now, I can save I did on a my most recent Walgreens trip where I stocked up on much needed school supplies! Walgreens Paperless Coupons gave me the same deals I could have gotten in the sales flier required!! On the money we saved on supplies, we could buy more school pants for my ever growing son!
To learn more and connect with Walgreens, visit the links below: Visit the Website.

Like on Facebook. Follow on Twitter. Do you coupon? Do you find yourself lacking the time? What are your favorite things to buy at Walgreens? Have you tried Walgreens paperless coupons?


  1. As the Mother of a 1-year old... and two older elementary aged kids, I understand what you mean! I have precious little time and honestly enjoying things with them is more important to me. Glad these coupons work so well for you. #client

  2. It really is time consuming to find the time to sit down and cut out a bunch of coupons. How nice!


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