Friday, August 22, 2014

Managing LBL, Light Bladder Leakage, With Poise {#ad #sponsored}

Many thanks to Poise for sponsoring today's story, and keeping women everywhere confident!

When you're expecting, frequent trips to the bathroom are to be expected, right? We've probably all experienced that sudden urge whilst stuck in traffic (because it's always in traffic) or received that swift kick right to the bladder that had us wondering if we were going to make it in time. Some may have even had that experience where they did NOT make it in time- a sudden sneeze or laugh out loud moment. Embarrassing, sure but it's all part of the territory. We deal with it and maybe even laugh about it because we know it's only temporary...isn't it? What they failed to tell us (because frankly, who wants to talk about it!?) is that for many light bladder leakage does NOT end with pregnancy. For millions of women (one in THREE!), it is an ongoing issue, not just related to pregnancy.

The following are common causes of Light Bladder Leakage taken straight from the Poise website:

  • Physical changes from childbirth, pregnancy, hysterectomy or menopause
  • Being overweight
  • Complications from surgery, stroke, or chronic diseases like diabetes, multiple sclerosis (MS) or Parkinson's disease
  • Bladder or urinary tract infections
  • Bladder irritants (certain foods and beverages)
  • Now, thankfully I've been quite lucky to not have had to deal with this post pregnancy, but I know many moms who HAVE. Why does no one tell us about this!? As moms, we have enough to worry about when we're out and about don't we? We have to make sure we remember to pack a fully stocked diaper bag, make sure the kids are occupied and behaving, run the daily household errands...worrying about our bladder turning on us? No, that should not be a part of our daily life! Some turn to feminine products to protect themselves but that's just not comfortable...and certainly doesn't make us feel like the strong, confident women we are, does it? So perhaps you use nothing at all, and merely hope for the best? But what if those little leaks DO occur? There has to be a better solution, doesn't there?

    Today, I'm happy to tell you...THERE IS with Poise Microliners. These liners are shockingly thin and feature SAM...a Super Absorbent Material designed for LBL protection that keeps you dry and comfortable as you go through your day. They are the thinnest liners for light incontinence and are designed to absorb wetness, neutralize odor and stay three times drier than period liners. Finally, you can get the protection that makes you feel more confident without feeling like you're wearing...well, a diaper! Wear what you want to wear, what makes you feel comfortable without fear of leaks!

    But of course, I don't want you to just take MY word for it...I want you to try them for yourself. And the good news is, you can! For FREE! That's right, you can head over to the Poise website and request a free sample! Be sure to check it out and see what Poise can do for your confidence when dealing with Light Bladder Leakage in your daily life!

    What are you waiting for? Request your FREE SAMPLE today!


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    "Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24