Seven years ago today, my life was forever changed when I welcomed my sweet Shaun into the world. I can hardly believe that he could possibly be this old already! It seems impossible, and yet I cannot imagine my life without him now.

The past seven years have certainly had their ups and downs. He's had his struggles and his triumphs. But through it all, he has taught me what it is to love unconditionally. He has taught me that I am stronger than I knew, and has made me into a better person. He is my world, and I love him more each and every day!
Today, at seven I enjoy having conversations with him- even if it's about things like video games or computer operating systems or even how much he dislikes that Playhouse Disney is now Disney Junior (this kid knows how to hold a grudge). I love seeing how his mind works and how amazing his memory is. I love hearing about science and seeing his love of learning grow. I love his sweet snuggles and even his overly excited tackles.
He is truly the most amazing kid I know, and I am so blessed that of all the mommies in the world, God chose me to be his.

Happy 7th Birthday, Shaun!
His lunchbox is awesome! Happy Birthday Shaun!!