**Product received for review.

I grew up in a small town. So small in fact that we didn't even have a post office, let alone a store. Growing up out in the country could in many ways be a little boring, but it was also a very safe place to grow up. Gangs? They were the farthest thing from my mind...sure I'd heard of them, but they weren't a threat where I was from. I was very lucky. Unfortunately, for many others it IS a very real threat. Kids and teens are growing up in a world where gangs are all they know and to many seem like the only option.
In 1993, Reverend Roger Minassian felt God calling him to do something to help. And so, Hope Now for Youth was born. Since it's start, Hope Now for Youth has taken over 2000 gang members and at youth risk off the streets in Fresno, California, giving them a chance at a new and better life. They have taught troubled young men to become husbands to their wives, fathers to their children, and dependable employees who make positive contributions to their families, friends, and communities. So, how did it all begin? Finding Hope Now is inspired by the true story of it's creation. Let's take a look:
In Finding Hope Now, 16-year-old Santos Delgado leaves his home and survives on the streets. Reverend Roger Minassian knows very little about street youth, but feels God’s calling to help. He must step out of his comfort zone and takes to streets ravaged by gang violence. Roger and Santos' lives intertwine as Roger learns to become a father to the fatherless and Santos struggles to find a new life.
Now, I'm not one who usually likes movies that are about gangs or crimes in general, but this movie was absolutely inspiring. Can you imagine what it must have been like to feel that calling to help bring these young gang members off the street? This was not only a world that the Reverend was completely unfamiliar with, but also one that had the potential to be very dangerous. Yet, he took that risk and made such a huge difference in the life of so many.
Can you imagine how amazing this world would be if more people took those kinds of risks? If we looked deeper within a person than where they come from or their name. If we believed that people can change, if given the chance. This is exactly what Finding Hope Now was all about. To be honest, sometimes with inspirational stories like this, it can be very easy to get a little...well, cheesy. I did not find this to be the case here. Sure, there may have been a slightly cheesy moment here or there, but overall I found it genuine and beautiful. I will definitely be watching again!
My favorite thing about the movie? As I said, this movie was inspired by the true store of Hope Now for Youth, and the movie only continue to serve the organizations purpose. Take a look at this snippet from the movie's website:
Our purpose in producing this award-winning film was to raise funds for Hope Now by donating a full 50% of the net film proceeds to this organization, and at the same time to spread the news throughout the world that gang kids can be redeemed. This program can be easily replicated in other cities.
A great movie with a great cause...what's not to love? Want to see it for yourself? It is available to purchase at Family Christian stores everywhere and online. You can see more of what Family Christian has to offer at the links below.
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