Thursday, November 20, 2014

Helping Kids Understand Jesus with the Jesus Calling Bible Storybook {A Family Christian Review & Giveaway}

**Product received for review.

It should come as no surprise by now that my son Shaun absolutely loves his Bibles. He has acquired quite the little collection of Bible storybooks by now...6-7 at my last count. To be honest,in my eyes many of them are pretty much the same- different illustrations perhaps but the stories are pretty well the same. Still for whatever reason he loves them all for different reasons. But now, as I look at Bible storybooks for him, I'm looking for something that will set it apart from the rest. So, when I saw the Jesus Calling Bible Storybook, I knew it fit the bill. Let's take a look:

In the Jesus Calling Bible Storybook, parents and children will love reading through the Bible and seeing God's exciting plan unfold. God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to die for our sins and made a plan for us to live forever with Him.

From creation to Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, to the apostles and the early church, Jesus has always been present with those who trust Him. This book by Jesus Calling author Sarah Young helps children understand Jesus' role throughout the Old Testament, the New Testament and their lives today. The stories will teach little ones about the Bible and the devotions will lead them to an early and close walk with Jesus.

First and foremost, I was drawn in by the beautiful artwork. Seriously...stunning! Next, the stories. They too were beautifully written. They told those great Bible stories we all know and love in a way that was both easy to read and easier for little ones to understand. Each story was broke down into a short 4-5 page section (sometimes shorter). This is great for kids who might not have a great attention span like my son (or most young kids) and also made it an ideal selection for bedtime stories...just the right length- even when they ask for 'just one more'. There was even a built in bookmark to make it easy to pick up on the next story too! All this on its own would have been enough to make it a pretty awesome storybook all on its own, but its certainly not what set it apart. What REALLY sets this one apart from all the rest are the devotionals. These devotionals are written from the perspective of Jesus, speaking directly to the reader. There is something really powerful about that isn't it?

As you all know, my son has a diagnosis of autism. Like many with autism, he is quite the literal thinker. Though we've talked about prayer and talking to God/Jesus, I'm honestly not quite sure how much of that he really understands about it. God can be a bit of a hard concept to grasp in general for some kids, but I think particular so for those whose minds work like my sons. He does much better with a visual representation. For him, I thought these devotionals were a wonderful tool. Here was a visual of Jesus talking to him..something more concrete and easier for him to grasp...and isn't that something all kids need? Something to make understanding such huge things like the Bible and Jesus just a little easier? For us, Jesus Calling Bible Storybook was ideal.

Want to pick up a copy for a little one in your life? Great news! It is currently available at Family Christian for 50% off! (And be sure to check out the great deal on ALL Jesus Calling books.) You can see more of what Family Christian has to offer and connect at the links below:

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And one very lucky reader is going to win a $25 Appreciation Certificate from Family Christian! Enter using the Rafflecopter form below:

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Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. Well, this was a great post because you totally sold me! I want to get this for my son for Christmas! I struggle to find Christian things that are engaging for my almost 3-year-old little boy. I really like the idea of the Jesus Calling series, with how they incorporate the "voice" of Jesus.

  2. I saw a cool drawing/visual journal...

  3. I think I'd get the On Wings Like Eagles Long Sleeve Thermal for my son.

  4. I'd probably buy Mom's Night Out.


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