Sunday, November 16, 2014

Take Back Family Movie Night: A Mercy Rule DVD Review & Giveaway

**Product received for review.

Ah, family movie night...snuggling on the couch with your family with a big bowl of popcorn watching a family friendly movie everyone can enjoy- sounds pretty wonderful, doesn't it? There's just one little friendly movies that can be enjoyed by all are few and far between. Seriously! What happened to TV/Movies that we could watch as a family? 
Kirk Cameron and his wife Chelsea felt the same and decided to do something about it. Here's what they had to say on the subject:

"Our family is always on the lookout for an exciting new movie to watch together on 'movie night.' We look for something fun and inspiring, something that builds our faith in God and our strength as a family. But instead of waiting for a great new movie, we made one! Mercy Rule is one the most exciting movies we have ever been a part of and we are so excited to share it with you." - Kirk and Chelsea Cameron

So, what is Mercy Rule all about? Let's take a look:
Mercy Rule is a baseball adventure for the whole family, starring Kirk Cameron and his wife, Chelsea. Parents and kids alike will be inspired by the story of the Miller family as they learn life’s lessons of mercy, patience, sacrifice, legacy and trusting God. Co-starring Bas Rutten and comedian Tim Hawkins and written by bestselling author N.D. Wilson, Mercy Rule will teach your family what it means to be a "No Quit Family." The DVD also includes a family study guide for further discussion of the important messages in Mercy Rule.

First and foremost I must start by saying that I'm a huge Kirk Cameron fan. Fireproof is one of my all time favorite movies, I love the Left Behind series and of course, who didn't love him in Growing Pains? So of course, I was excited to check this one out as well...especially since it stars his wife as well! (Something the Growing Pains fan is sure to appreciate!). But I'll be honest, it started out a little slow for me. Perhaps I just wasn't in a movie watching mood the first time, but I did have to restart the movie as I'd found myself not paying attention the first time around. Still, once I actually sat down and paid attention, it actually was a really great story...still a bit slow moving, but not in a bad way by any means!

Now, the goal of this movie was to be a movie the family can enjoy together...and it is...just perhaps not with younger children. Don't get me wrong, there was nothing particularly inappropriate (this is Kirk Cameron after all!), I just don't believe the story is one that younger kids would really understand or care too much about...I know my seven year old certainly didn't! So, if you're looking for a family movie for younger kids, this may not be it. But if you're looking for your older children, tweens and teens, it's really a great family movie with lots of great lessons to be learned by all! In fact, you can even download the free discussion guide to discuss some of those lessons including choosing sides, taking responsibility, fighting envy, creating legacies and learning name a few. While I enjoyed the movie by itself, after having read through the discussion guide I found that I appreciated the lessons it covered even more.

As I said, the movie may have started out slow, but truly turned out to be a great movie. It's a movie for families, about family, and created by a family. An excellent addition to any family movie night. If you'd like to learn more or purchase a copy for yourself, Mercy Rule is available to purchase at Family Christian stores. You can see more of what they have to offer and connect at the links below:
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And one very lucky winner is going to win a copy for themselves. Enter using the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Winner will be contacted via e-mail after giveaway ends, and will have 48 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen. One entry per household, winning entry will be verified. Odds of winning depend on valid entries received. A Modern Day Fairy Tale is not responsible for prize delivery.


  1. I enjoy their collection of crosses and I would like to see this one this Christmas, A Savior Is Born Cross, by Dicksons the closest store is in Texas or Kansas, no stores in Oklahoma yet, but they are available on the internet


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24