Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Oh Christmas Tree {Christmas Traditions and Our Frozen Inspired Christmas Tree!}

What kind of tree decorator are you?

Are you a perfectionist? Each ornament in its perfect place, looking like it stepped straight out of magazine spread? Do you just throw on everything you have on with no rhyme or reason (or let the kids do so). Are you somewhere in the center- you have a color scheme but aren't overly particular about it being PERFECT.

Personally I fall somewhere in the middle. As much as I would love thosee magazine spread worthy trees, I'm also realistic...I have two little ones. Try as I might, those ornaments will at one point find themselves rearranged! Still, we do have a themed tree.

This is a tradition that goes back to my own childhood. Each year, we'd choose a theme and decorate accordingly. One year it would be Santa- we'd have red and white and Santa themed ornaments with a hat as our topper. The next it'd be patriotic with ornaments of red, white and blue. Then every few years we'd have the 'kids' tree...where there was no real theme other than we could pretty well add whatever we liked! Our trees may never have been super fancy, but we always had fun... and while I remember a few years where my sisters and I would have preferred to just throw it all on, looking back now I loved those themed trees and just had to keep the tradition alive.

We've had red and gold, we've had classic Christmas colors, we've had a small superhero tree...and this year we have what may very well be my absolute favorite tree theme of all time: Frozen!

Rather than fighting to get our hands on actual Frozen ornaments, we opted to do more of an 'inspired by' look. A pretty ice blue and silver with bits of purple and pink tossed in. Lots of shimmer and lots of snowflakes. On top of the tree, a pretty snowflake star and Elsa (a doll that had also been used to top Finley's birthday cake).

Despite our itty-bitty ol' tree, I absolutely loved how it turned out! The perfect Frozen tree!

Do you do themed trees? What type of tree do you have this year?


  1. I think your tree turned out wonderfully. I really like how you put Elsa on top. We don't do a themed tree. Rather, it's just a tree adorned with ornaments we've gotten throughout the years.

    1. Thanks so much! I bet it's gorgeous as well :)

  2. I love your Frozen tree. I am so jealous! Love Frozen!!!

  3. I don't do a themed tree -- I have ornaments that I've collected over 30 years that I put on the tree.

    1. I bet those ornaments have great stories to fun!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24