Saturday, January 10, 2015

December Via Instagram

It's hard to believe December is over and January is already halfway gone.. time sure is flying by! December was a super busy month for our family, as it is for many! Here's a look back at a bit of our month as seen on Instagram!

I had fun with tacky Christmas sweaters...I LOVE Ugly Sweaters!!

Yes, even the husband got in on the fun!

We celebrated the holidays with our Little People Nativity!

At 7 years old, Shaun finally lost his very first tooth!! The tooth fairy gave him $5 for the first one! A few days later, tooth #2 came out too!!

Finley had some bad hair days!

Shaun read...a lot!

Finley learned to drink from a straw! (Other sippies are still a work in progress!)

Shaun earned his very first Cub Scout badge!

And made some silly faces!

December wouldn't be complete without a visit to Santa!

Santa came to our house early and brought the kids suitcases to take on our holiday travels!

The kids enjoyed coloring at Mimi's!

Shaun got spoiled in many Legos!!

Finley had a blast playing in her new kitchen...just her size!

2014 certainly ended on a great note, and I look forward to seeing what 2015 has in store!


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24