Sunday, February 15, 2015

Shop for Glasses Online with A Review

**Product received for review. All thoughts are my own.

Can I make a confession?

Until just a few short weeks ago, I'd been wearing the same pair of glasses for about 6 years!! Yes, SIX!! And it gets worse. It's not even that they were still in great condition and there was no legitimate reason to replace them. Quite the opposite in fact. Between two kids, they had taken quite the beating. They had begun to get scratches, become looser and looser and quite honestly were actually being held together by superglue. Embarrassing, right? They were long past due to be replaced. So, when contacted me asking if I'd like to review a pair of their glasses, I jumped at the chance.

New to GlassesShop? Here is a little about the company:

GlassesShop is an American owned and operated online retailer of eyeglasses. Since the website launch in 2004, we have delivered over a million pairs of eyeglasses while maintaining our standard of providing the highest quality at affordable prices. We are a group of eye doctors that understands your struggle with the high cost of eyeglasses. We strive to make your experience with one that is not only user-friendly but also professional and reliable. Being able to deliver superior eyeglasses at an unbeatably-low price has allowed us to help people all over the world see clearly and, in turn, has provided our team with a more rewarding experience than we could have ever anticipated. We guarantee your satisfaction.

So perhaps you're wondering...if my old glasses were in such bad shape, why did it take so long to replace them? There are a few simple reasons: time and money. First up, the time...going to the eye doctor, trying on every pair they have while trying to keep two kids from breaking every pair? No, thank you! I could think of many other ways to spend my day! And then the money...glasses can certainly cost a pretty penny. My previous glasses cost right around $200, for which my insurance did not cover. Sure, after 6 years I got my money's worth I suppose, but my frugal self certainly didn't want to shell out the cash! solved both of these problems. I could browse their wide variety of prescription eyeglasses from the comfort of my own home, without even changing out of my pjs. Super easy! And the cost is even better! Glasses for just $30 and up!? Sunglasses for around $60! That sounds a whole lot better than $200, doesn't it? I could buy both a pair of regular everyday glasses AND a pair of sunglasses (which I personally need in the summer due to migraines, but never thought could be budget friendly!) for less than one pair of glasses at my eye doctors!

Of course, the idea of shopping for glasses online can be a little uncertain. Will the quality be okay? Will they fit? Will they look okay on me? I get it, I was a bit apprehensive myself. Thankfully, I actually HAD recently tried on some glasses and knew just the shape I need to look for. If you're able to try on a few pairs at your local eyeglass store, it could certainly make the online shopping a little easier. I chose these fun 
Peoria Rectangle frames...I loved the simple look of the front, with a little fun twist in the floral design. They fit perfectly, the quality was great and the prescription was crystal clear! I'm a believer! I actually loved my experience so much that I do intend to purchase myself some prescription sunglasses later on as well. At these prices I can afford to without the guilt!

If you're looking for great glasses without breaking the bank, GlassesShop is the place to go! And to help you save even MORE, they are offering all my readers 20% off with the code RandiX20! How great is that? Check them out today!

Have you looked around the site? Which glasses are YOUR favorites?


  1. I need new glasses so badly. I will have to check them out to see what I can find. Thanks for the review!

  2. I need new glasses; I've had my current pair for 3 years now and I need a new prescription. I'm not sure i would be able to pick some out from online though, usually I try on a whole walls worth (100-150 pairs) in several different stores before I find a pair I like. The ones you found are cute though! I like the flowers.

  3. I need new glasses; I've had my current pair for 3 years now and I need a new prescription. I'm not sure i would be able to pick some out from online though, usually I try on a whole walls worth (100-150 pairs) in several different stores before I find a pair I like. The ones you found are cute though! I like the flowers.

  4. Cool stuff! That is a really fine glimpse of a very promising product, though suff like that must be really good for the eyesight, as much as it is visually compelling. Durability, of course, is a main factor as well. Anyway, thanks for that very enticing breakdown of what appears to be a fine pair of glasses! All the best to you!

    Jennifer Bell @ Clarity Vision


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