Monday, July 20, 2015

A Budget Friendly Summer: Finish the Summer Off Right...Without Breaking the Bank!

Back to school may be coming up very quickly, but in the meantime, the kids at home are likely starting to get a little bored! You've had your summer excitement, and now you're left wondering what's left to do, especially if your summer budget has already come and gone! Today, I'm sharing a few fun ideas to help you finish off the best summer ever without breaking the bank!

  • Have a Picnic. Nothing can make summer meals more fun than packing them up for a picnic! It doesn't have to be fancy- even pb&j is more exciting when eaten outside!
  • Backyard Scavenger Hunt. Create a fun scavenger/nature hunt for your kids to enjoy! Combine easy/normal outdoor items like leaves, rocks, etc with more creative options that inspire your kids to use their imaginations and give it more thought.
  • Free Movies? Some theaters offer free movie showings during the summer months (or beyond). These movies are typically ones that have already been released to DVD, but this can still be a really fun way to get out of the house and do something a little different! Check with your local theaters to see if they offer anything like this!
  • Paint with Bubbles. Check out this fun post for instructions.
  • Make A Volcano. My kid loves science experiments, as did I as a kid. All it takes is a little baking soda and a little vinegar to do this fun experiment! You can also search for more easy kitchen science experiments to try too!
  • Have a water fight. Buy some inexpensive water guns, water balloons, etc and have a ball! You'll cool down and make a memory!
  • Visit the Library. Many libraries have events for kids throughout the year- like movies or story times, even classes! Visit the website to your local library to see what free/cheap events they have scheduled!
  • Vacation Bible School. VBS was always a highlight of my summer. Fun lessons, games and treats...and absolutely free! Check out your local churches to find a VBS that fits your needs!
  • Make A Movie. You don't have to have a fancy video camera to create a fun movie! Use your smartphone and let your kids write, star in and produce their own movies!!
  • Tie Dye. Making matching tees for the family or liven up your pillow cases. Tie Dye kits can usually be found at craft stores for as low as $5 or so!
  • Have A Lemonade Stand. This is not only super fun way to spend a day, it's also a great way to teach kids about money!!
  • Build a Fort. Rainy days keeping you inside? (Believe me, I feel your pain!) Fort can bring the outdoor fun inside!
  • Make Your Own Play Dough. Check out this fun recipe for a Gluten Free Aromatherapy Dough.
These are just a few of many fun activities to keep away from boredom as the summer winds down! How do YOU beat the summer boredom without breaking the bank?


  1. Ooho I think my son and I are totally doing a volcano!! Thank you for giving ideas that are low on the money end :) I mean we all wish we had the whole bank to spend on our kids but in all reality most of us don't have it!! My son and I love to go hiking! Its our family friendly way of not breaking the bank!!

  2. Water fights are a must-do summer activity!

  3. These are really great ideas--we do a lot of these, but there were some I hadn't thought of.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24