Monday, August 10, 2015

Portable Careers for the Military Spouse #sp

Thanks to Martinsburg College for sponsoring today's post. All thoughts are my own.

For the military family, moving is an inevitable part of the life. We know that at any given time, our spouse can be given new orders and we will be forced to uproot our family and our life and start all over in a whole new place. For the working military wife, this can make it tough, especially when we have children at home and have to work around our husband's unpredictable military schedules.

What should a military spouse look for in a career?

Portability. As I said, moves are inevitable, so you are going to want a career that has options available wherever you might end up. Think of options in the medical or business fields for instance! No matter where you are, there are going to be openings!
Flexibility. Military life does not just come with frequent moves, it also comes with a lot of unpredictability. Late nights, early morning, weekends, field opps for weeks at a time. This can be especially rough when you have children. Consider options that give you plenty of flexibility- freelancing or working from home- when possible- can be a great solution!
Enjoy-ability. Okay, that's not a real word, but it fits. Everyone -military spouse or not- deserves to find a career option they are happy with. Find something you love that you can translate into a great career. Love writing? Pursue it! Art? Make it work! Starting over in a new place can be tough, but if you're doing something you love, it makes it that much easier!

So, what ARE some good portable career options?

Now that we've talked a little bit about what to look for, what ARE some good options for portable careers? There are truly are many to choose from, depending on your skills and talents, but here is a brief look at just five possible career options that military spouses might enjoy.

Healthcare Careers. There are hospitals and clinics everywhere you go, right? Even the smallest of towns has to have a doctor nearby! Nursing is a great option for those who can do it...but if you're like me and cannot handle the bodily fluids that can sometimes come with all that, there are still plenty of options available. Pharmacy technicians are always needed everywhere, as are medical office administrators!
Social Media Managers. Wait, you mean you can be paid to use social media!? Absolutely! Many companies hire individuals to run their social media accounts. Not only can this be done from just about also gives you plenty of flexibility to work around unusual schedules!
Photographer. I say photographer, but really this could be ANY creative service. Great at taking photos? Baking cakes? Crafting? Start your own business! Yes, there will be some initial adjustments post move to rebuild a client base, but it's still a great job that again allows you to set your own hours and work on a schedule that works for you. Set yourself up for success by taking some business classes as well!
Accountant. Good at math and budgeting? Accounting can be a great option for you! Accountants are needed everywhere as well! Find a job within a company, or again work for yourself! This is a great career opportunity that can open many doors!
Sales. Another option that will be available most anywhere you go. A sales job may look different from place to place of course, but the skills will translate over no matter what you are selling. If you're a social person who loves a challenge, sales can be a very rewarding career choice!

How do you prepare yourself for great career success?

One of the greatest things you can do to set yourself up for success no matter where you go is to acquire certification or a degree in your desired field. But once again that can be a challenge with the military lifestyle- and a military budget!

When it comes to the budget, the MyCAA can help:

The Military Spouse Career Advancement Accounts (MyCAA) program provides up to $4,000 (over 2 years) of Financial Assistance for military spouses who are pursuing degree programs, licenses or credentials leading to employment in portable career fields.
MyCAA Eligibility
Spouses of active duty service members in pay grades E1-E5, W1-W2, and O1-O2, as well as the spouses of activated Guard and Reserve members within those ranks. Spouses of Guard and Reserve members must be able to start and complete their courses while their sponsor is on Title 10 orders.

And when it comes to schools to choose from, Martinsburg College is a fantastic option. They understand the unique needs and challenges the military life brings and work to make it easier for both servicemembers and their families the education they deserve. Check out these quick facts on Martinsburg College:

Our college has been working with the military community since 2004. We understand the needs of service members and their families and have adapted our institutional policies to ensure that we take into consideration the unique challenges faced by this student group.
While the college strongly encourages each student to adhere to their learning plan and their schedule a recognizes the need for flexibility when the demands of service interfere. We work with students for as long as it takes in order to achieve success. Our instructional methodology accommodates a wide variety of learning styles as well as providing for flexibility of time and place for engaging in coursework.
95% of the students that respond to our surveys expressed satisfaction with their experience.
When students do not complete our program it is rarely because they are not satisfied with their experience. Typically their lives change, children, marital stress, health issues, interfere in unforeseen and uncontrollable ways.
When this happens they are protected by our exceptionally generous refund policy. Students will receive a refund based on the amount of coursework completed (pro rata) through 50% of their program. This means if a student does only one course then they are charged for only one course.
Students attending Martinsburg College have access to a sophisticated learning management system (LMS) which provides an interactive and rich educational experience and makes it simple to progress logically through your program.
Depending on the program students are provided with digital access to one or more textbooks related to their areas of study. These resources are very expensive ranging from $100 to more than $300 per program if a student were required to purchase them.
The textbooks are made available within the learning management system or students can choose to utilize a tablet which the college provides on loan for more comfortable and portable access. The college also provides a resource library of thousands of textbooks which are available online at no cost.
In addition if a student requires one-on-one and direct telephone or digital tutoring sessions the college provides those resources.

Ready to learn more about Martinsburg College and how YOU can get started on your new portable career? Visit them now to learn more.And to help answer your questions about the MyCAA, Martinsburg College has created this Facebook group to help. Eligible military spouse, join now to learn more about the education benefits available to you!

Are you a military spouse looking for a portable career? What tips do you have? Any careers you find ideal for the military spouse?


  1. I have some friends who are military spouses, so this would be good for them to read.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24