Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Shaun Taylor, 8 Years.

Eight years ago today, our world was forever changed with the birth of our sweet baby boy, Shaun.

As cliche as it sounds, I truly did not know it was possible to love someone so deeply until I became a mother. We think that we are here to teach our children, and yet it seems sometimes they have so much more to teach us. My son has taught me about compassion, strength, perseverance and most importantly, unconditional love. The last eight years have been quite an adventure, and I could not be more proud of the kiddo my Shaun has become.

Here is a brief look at Shaun at 8 years old.

  • Shaun just started the 2nd grade and is loving it!
  • He loves math and science and wants to be as smart as Einstein.
  • He hopes to one day travel to space.
  • His favorite food is a cheeseburger.
  • He loves Thomas the Tank Engine and Veggie Tales.
  • He recently starting going to the movie theater and he LOVES it. He can tell you all of the ins and outs of AMC Theaters!
  • He loves Minions!
  • He is a fantastic Minecrafter!
  • He does NOT like Spongebob.
  • He loves Step Into Reading Books. And Diary of a Wimpy Kid.
  • He also loves comic books of all kinds
  • He collects Bibles too!
  • He also collects video game systems.
  • He Likes 20th Century Fox.
  • His favorite color is blue.
  • He created Sholby Digital. (His very own sound company- kind of like Dolby Digital.)
  • He runs on Shaundows 10 (like Windows).
  • His film company is Shaun Pictures.
  • He loves to exercise! 
  • He plays soccer.
  • He gets disturbed if he hears cell phones in the theater (which is against the rules).
  • He took over the computer and wrote some of these!
  • He is a pretty amazing kid!!!

Happy 8th Birthday, Shaun!!


  1. Happy Birthday Shaun!! Being 8 is great :)

  2. Happy Birthday Shaun!! Being 8 is great :)

  3. I love his bow tie!!! My 6 year old is pretty fond of those as well. :)

  4. And he sounds just amazing!! Happy Birthday!!!!

  5. Happy birthday to your boy! Sounds like an amazing kid with a great imagination.

  6. My niece is eight this year, and it seems like a really fun age.


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24