Wednesday, October 7, 2015

A Winner's Guide To Giveaways {Tips and Tricks to Increase Your Chance of Winning!}

Giveaways are fun, aren't they? Such a fun way to try out new products and even save money! With the holidays quickly approaching, there truly is no better time to start entering and winning. But how do you actually win? Obviously, part of it is just sheer luck...but there are many ways to help increase your chances greatly! Today, I'm sharing a few of those tricks!

  • Play By The Rules. A lot of time and effort goes into a giveaway, so be kind and play by the rules. Generally, they are pretty simple- one entry per household, don't claim an entry if you haven't taken it, etc. Many winners have to be disqualified simply because they were found to be cheating. If you want to win, play fair.
  • Come Back Daily. Many giveaways (mine included) include many options that allow you to earn more entries each day... from tweeting, to sharing, or even just interacting on social media. There are several lucky winners who have won multiple giveaways here on A Modern Day Fairy Tale and I have found that they tend to be those who are coming back and getting their daily entries every day. They truly do make a difference. Sometimes, new entry options are also added throughout the giveaway, so you'll be sure to catch those too!
  • Stay Up To Date on Current Giveaways. If you don't know about the giveaways, you cannot win them, so if you love the giveaways offered, be sure to connect via social media and email.
  • More Entries, More Chances. Most of my giveaways offer MANY entry options, and the more entries you complete, the higher your chances are to win! For the best chances, complete as many as you are able. Likewise, the more giveaways you enter, the higher your chances are of winning. You'll probably find that those who win often are entering a lot more than they're winning too!
  • Share. Share. Share. Often you are given extra entries simply by sharing, but on some blogs/sites, you can actually get entries for every friend you refer! This can be a great way to earn a lot of extra entries, so look out for those.
  • Check Out Giveaway Hops. Giveaway hops are some of my favorites! They are such a great way to find a ton of giveaways quickly and easily. Enter one giveaway and hop along to the rest!
  • Check Your Email. If you're entering giveaways, you're going to want to make sure you are entering with an email that you use often. Thankfully, I rarely have to choose a new winner due to lack of response, but it DOES happen. On occasion, winning emails go to spam folders so be sure to check your spam regularly. (Most blogs- this one included- require you to reply within 48 hours. Some give just 24 hours.)
  • Just Enter. Perhaps you're reading this and thinking, 'I can't do all that. I don't have the social media accounts to do ALL the entries, and I don't have the time to come back daily. What's the point?' But don't let that keep you from entering. While these things DO increase your chances, it only takes one entry to win. Do what you can, when you can. There have been more than a few winners who have completely just 1-2 entries!
Enter and win a lot of giveaways? What other tips and tricks do you have to share?


  1. I enter and win a lot of giveaways. I try to find giveaways that are local to me- hosted by local businesses or blogs with tickets to nearby stores or events. They tend to have very low entries. I think Twitter parties are the easiest way to win, but they are very time consuming so I don't do them as often as I'd like.

    1. Great idea on the local giveaways! And yes, Twitter parties can be great-especially for gift cards! I need to find the time to participate in more myself!!

  2. I enter a lot of giveaways and I have won some really nice stuff my goal this year is to win enough to not have to buy Christmas presents for my nieces and nephews. I pin every giveaway that has daily entries so I can find them easy and enter them every day if possible.

    1. Last year's Christmas and this year's birthdays for my kids were bought in large part using gift cards- mostly from giveaways (a few from blog posts that were paid in gift cards!). It does help save a ton on Christmas and stretch your budget for a wonderful holiday :)
      I have a folder in my bookmarks for entered giveaways, but I like the idea of a pinterest board...that usually means more entries too!! ;)

  3. I win a lot...and I always tell people it has nothing to do with luck. It's numbers. If you enter enough, you will win. I'm constantly looking at how many entries I have in a giveaway and then figuring the odds of me winning or not.

    My number one tip is be organized followed by be diligent.

    I've won cash prizes, a vacation from Veggie Tales to Florida, iPods, Wii game systems, games, flowers...the first year I got into sweeping everyone's Christmas (and it was a NICE Christmas) came from what I had won.

    1. Woo! A vacation!? I must say I've never won anything THAT big! That's fantastic! Yes, hard work (and it can be that) definitely pays off :)

    2. I agree completely! Everyone tells me I'm lucky but I'm really diligent and follow all of your tips above.
      When I was pregnant with my daughter I won a carseat, stroller, playmat and several other big items. It helped us so much and then I donated everything when I was done.
      Last year, at Christmas, I one a $700 prize package. It made our Christmas and also allowed us to be more generous to others.

  4. Ashley Chassereau ParksOctober 9, 2015 at 12:36 PM

    These are great tips!! I win a good bit, but I go back and enter daily and I think that's what helps. The giveaways have been such a blessing to my family for birthday & Christmas gifts and helping with things needed for my little ones. Plus, its fun!!

  5. These are all great tips!! Daily entries are so important!! Thanks for sharing this!! i always have people ask me tips and tricks to win!! This pretty much sums it up for me ;)

  6. I have won a couple of things but I guess I've never thought about all this! Thank you for the tips :)

  7. I have won a couple of things but I guess I've never thought about all this! Thank you for the tips :)

  8. I love giveaways! Thanks for the great tips! I use mostly what I win for gifts...some I keep for myself ;)

  9. I also try to enter local giveaways because the entries are much lower. I also only enter giveaways I really want to win. It sounds silly, but I know people that enter every giveaway they see, and although they win, they have no use for the prize. For instance, I have a friend at work who won an 8 person tent. She and her husband are both disabled and don't go camping! There is the thrill of winning that keeps people entering. I only enter giveaways for things I will actually use or something that would make a meaningful gift for someone I know (for example, I already have a KitchenAid Stand Mixer, but my sister-in-law wants one so I try to win one for her).


"Pleasant words are as a honeycomb: sweet to the soul and health to the bones." Proverbs 16:24